Do I need a height permit to build a billboard in Shanghai?

In Shanghai, it costs about 8,000 yuan per month. If you take on the work yourself, it costs about 8 yuan per square meter. Now we can easily cover 200 square meters every day

If you want to build a steel structure billboard on the roof of your own factory, you should ask the government department for relevant regulations! Our company is located in Jiading, Shanghai
If you want to put up a billboard on a rooftop, it must be approved by the industrial and commercial department, urban construction planning department and city appearance and environmental management department.
Advertising content is managed by the industrial and commercial department, the urban construction and planning department is in charge of advertising planning, and the urban construction and city appearance management department is in charge of city appearance.
If your advertisement involves relevant departments, it also needs approval from relevant departments. For example, drug advertisements must be approved in advance by the Ministry of Food and Drug Administration.
For details, you can check the "Advertising Law", "Urban and Rural Planning Law", "City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Regulations" and other relevant regulations.
