
⑴What should we pay attention to when a typhoon comes? What should we do correctly when a typhoon comes?
What should we pay attention to when a typhoon comes
1. Always pay attention to the situation of the typhoon, adjust travel arrangements in advance, and avoid typhoons. When visiting coastal attractions in the affected area, do not risk going out to sea by boat.
2. Before the typhoon comes, we should stay in a strong and safe house to avoid risks and avoid going out. People living in dilapidated housing, factories, tin houses, and work sheds should take the initiative to move to avoid danger. Do not take shelter from wind and rain in temporary buildings, billboards, large trees, etc.
3. Before the typhoon comes, flower pots and hanging objects on the roof, windows or balconies should be moved promptly and brought back indoors to avoid being blown away by the typhoon and injuring others or yourself, causing unnecessary losses.
4. Typhoons often bring heavy rainfall, so residents living on the hillside should always be alert to mudslides, landslides and other disasters caused by typhoons, and rush as soon as they sense danger! quick! escape!
5. Be sure to keep your car away from some trees, easily collapsed buildings, etc., because typhoons are merciless, and often when it blows down, your car will be scratched and damaged, or even shattered into pieces.
6. Clean up the windowsill. Many people nowadays like to grow flowers and plants on the windowsill in order to cultivate their sentiments. But before the typhoon comes, these things must be collected. To pre vent the typhoon from blowing them down and hitting people.
7. Close doors and windows. Before the typhoon comes, we should check whether our doors and windows are in good condition. Because the doors and windows in some people’s homes have been used for a long time, they may shake and break during a typhoon.
8. If you are already in a solid house, you should close the windows carefully and use tape to form a "meter" pattern on the window glass to pre vent the window glass from breaking.
9. If a typhoon is accompanied by thunder, lightning protection measures must be taken.
10. After the typhoon, you need to pay attention to environmental hygiene and food and water safety.
The correct approach when a typhoon comes
(1) Based on the possible impact of the typhoon, the meteorological department often uses three forms of "message", "warning" and "emergency warning" to release the forecast to the society; At the same time, four-color typhoon warning signals, blue, yellow, orange, and red, are issued to the public from light to severe according to the possible impact of the typhoon. The public should pay close attention to media reports about typhoons and take pre ventive measures in a timely manner;
(2) Before the typhoon approaches, flashlights, radios, food and drinking water, and commonly used medicines should be pre pared in case of emergency;
(3) Close the doors and windows, check whether the doors and windows are strong, remove hanging objects, and check whether the circuit, gas, and fire facilities are safe;
(4) Move animals and other items kept outdoors indoors, especially Debris on the roof, flower pots outside the window, etc. must be moved indoors, and things that are easily blown outdoors must be reinforced;
(5) Do not travel, swim or sail in areas where typhoons pass;
/>(6) Outdoor billboards, temporary work sheds, temporary housing, and construction scaffolding should be reinforced, and street trees and drainage pipe networks in the city should be temporarily reinforced and cleaned;
(7) Living in low-lying areas in urban and rural areas and people in dangerous buildings must be relocated in time;
(8) Heavy rains brought by typhoons can easily cause disasters such as floods, landslides, and debris flows. Relevant schools, industrial and mining enterprises, mountainside roads, etc. must strengthen pre vention. If necessary, measures such as suspending schools, factories, and road closures will be taken;
(9) When a typhoon approaches, no one is allowed to walk along the river.
Heavy rain|Correct response methods
(1) When a heavy rain comes, close the doors and windows to pre vent rainwater from pouring into the house. Once water enters, immediately turn off the power supply, gas and other equipment;
(2) Cut off the power supply in low-lying areas Dangerous outdoor power supply;
(3) Do not walk in underground passages or passages under viaducts;
(4) Do not walk in running water, running water with a depth of 15 cm can cause people to fall;
(5) If you find rapid, turbid, and silt-filled water in mountainous areas, it may be a pre cursor to a flash flood, and you should leave the stream or river;
(6) When driving in a heavy rain, you should turn on the rain and fog lights, slow down, and pay attention Prevent flash floods and avoid stagnant water and landslides;
(7) Pay attention to electrical facilities on the street. If any wires slip down, stay away immediately.

⑵Are there any pre cautions to avoid during typhoon weather?

1. Strong winds are likely to blow down high-altitude objects, so flower pots, hanging objects, etc. on the roof, windows, and balconies must be moved in time;

2. Before the typhoon comes, check the safety of doors, windows, outdoor air conditioners, and solar water heaters, and reinforce them in time;

3. Before the typhoon comes, you should pre pare flashlights, food, drinking water, and commonly used medicines in case of a typhoon. Urgently needed;

4. Drainage pipes should be cleaned in time to keep drainage smooth;

5. When in danger, call the local government’s disaster pre vention hotline in time Call for help;

6. Try to avoid going out, and be careful when walking to some billboards to avoid being hit;

7. Drive slowly in typhoon weather, it is best to walk or Travel by bus;

8. If you find a high-voltage power line tower toppled, or a wire hanging down or broken, do not approach it, let alone touch it with your hands, as this can easily lead to an electric shock accident.

Winds bring enough rain to vast areas and become a powerful rainfall system, but typhoons always bring all kinds of damage. So do you know the dangers of typhoons? ? 1. Heavy rain typhoons have sufficient water vapor conditions, so they are often accompanied by strong convective weather such as heavy rain or extremely heavy rain. Heavy rainfall in a short period of time may cause disasters such as urban waterlogging, landslides, and debris flows. 2. Strong winds brought by typhoons are one of the main hazards of typhoons. Falling objects from high altitudes, collapse of dangerous buildings, etc. are all accidents that are prone to occur during typhoons. Everyone needs to be careful to pre vent them. 3. Storm surge Storm surge means that when a typhoon moves towards the land, the sea water will be forcefully accumulated towards the coast, and the sea will be pushed towards the coast with overwhelming force, which may cause the tide to overflow, the sea wall to break, and the houses and various construction facilities to be washed away. , flooding towns and farmland, causing massive casualties and property damage.

1. The landing of a typhoon can easily bring diseases. If symptoms such as diarrhea and fever occur, you should go to the hospital in time;

2. Drink after the typhoon. Water will be polluted to a certain extent, and tap water must be boiled before drinking;

3. Food may not be fresh or contaminated by bacteria during a typhoon, so after a typhoon, you must eat fresh food, disinfect tableware, and pre vent Intestinal infectious diseases and food poisoning;

4. Heavy rains on typhoon days actually bring good opportunities for pests and germs to breed. Therefore, it is necessary to improve household hygiene to avoid mosquito bites and spre ad of diseases;
