
Do I need to put the billboard up again if it falls down?


No. According to the relevant information, if you have paid the relevant fees to the urban management department when hanging the billboard and comply with the relevant regulations of urban planning and construction management, then the urban management department will not handle your billboard after it is out of business or expires. Feel free to take down your billboards. If your billboard is illegal, dangerous, or affects the image of the city, the urban management department has the right to remove it or require you to make rectifications.
2、On the way to school, the drag class was accidentally scratched by a community billboard. It was quite serious. In severe cases, the child may be disabled. Are both the drag class and the billboard responsible?

Is it the daycare teacher who sends the students to school, or you? If it is the daycare teacher who sends the children to school, there is no need to contact the community. Accidental injuries are caused by the teacher's lax supervision. The caretaker will take most of the responsibility.

You can negotiate with the principal of the child care class first to see how much responsibility and expenses the child care class is willing to bear. As for whether to hold the community responsible for sharing the responsibility, that is a matter for the child care class, and you do not need to intervene.

If the topper shirks its responsibilities, you can entrust a lawyer to file a lawsuit with the topper's legal repre sentative and ask for compensation.

3、If a public service billboard falls down in a community and damages cars, is the property owner responsible?
I think the property management company should be responsible. Because even public service billboards are put up with the consent of your property management company. You have to make sure it's firm and bend it tightly to pre vent it from falling off. Now that it has fallen off and caused economic losses to the owner, the property management company should be held responsible.

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