
2024-09-22 02:20:11
一、Should windows be closed tightly or leave gaps during a typhoon?
When a typhoon comes, you should stay at home as much as possible and make sure the doors and windows are closed. Avoid opening windows in strong winds to avoid damage to the house. When traveling, avoid objects that may be blown down by the wind, such as fences, trees and billboards. In addition, you need to pay attention to the following points:
1. Lightning strike protection: During a typhoon, you should quickly cut off the power supply at home, close the doors and windows tightly, and check and reinforce items that may be blown by the wind. If there is loose or cracked glass, apply tape to pre vent injuries from broken pieces. Avoid staying near glass doors or windows.
2. Shelter place: When encountering a typhoon outdoors, you should seek shelter in a hut or cave. If you have nowhere to go, you can choose temporary shelter on high ground, under rocks, or in the forest. In strong winds, you should bend forward as much as possible to avoid being exposed to rain and pre vent loss of body temperature. Don't hide under dead trees.
3. Anchorage work: Before the typhoon comes, all anchorage work should be done to pre vent outdoor items from being blown away or damaged by the wind. For example, move flowerpots on your windowsill or balcony to a safe place.
4. Pay attention to information: You should always pay attention to the latest reports on typhoons on radio, television, newspapers, weather hotlines and other media.
5. Emergency pre paration: Prepare flashlights, candles, radios, food, drinking water and common medicines in advance. Check that doors and windows in your home are secure, remove hanging objects, and check electrical circuits, stoves, and gas safety.
6. Personal safety: Residents should avoid going out and ensure that the elderly and children stay in safe areas at home.
7. Electricity safety: During typhoons, transmission lines and broadcasting lines may be damaged, and inspections need to be strengthened to pre vent accidents such as electric shocks.
二、There is something filled with water that can hold down the billboard that is blown down by the wind. What is its name?
Water-filled base. Center of gravity block etc.