
一、Does the store door need to be approved by the urban management?

It requires urban management approval, taking Chengdu City as an example.

The "Chengdu Regulations on the Management of Outdoor Advertising and Signboard Settings" has corresponding provisions:

Article 29 prohibits the setting up of signboards without authorization. If a signboard is to be set up, a written application must be submitted to the district (city) or county urban management administrative department where the signboard is set up, and the following materials must be submitted: (1) A copy of the business license or a name certificate approved by the relevant authority;

(2) Explanatory documents such as the wording, production specifications, style, materials and location of the signboard;

(3) Ownership or use rights of the business (office) pre mises prove.

Extended information:

Relevant legal provisions of "Chengdu Outdoor Advertising and Signboard Management Regulations":

Twenty-fifth Article 1 Applicants may only apply to the industrial and commercial administration department for outdoor advertising release registration procedures after obtaining an outdoor advertising or temporary outdoor advertising installation permit.

No unit or individual may illegally occupy, dismantle, cover, alter, or damage outdoor advertisements and facilities set up in accordance with the law. If demolition is required due to planning adjustments or public interests, compensation shall be provided in accordance with the law.

Article 27 The installer shall conduct safety inspections more than twice a year and keep records; if the inspection fails, it shall be renovated or dismantled immediately. In the event of abnormal weather such as strong winds or heavy rain, corresponding safety pre cautions should be taken.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia - "Chengdu Regulations on the Management of Outdoor Advertising and Signboards"
