
发布:2024-09-24 13:59:52 作者:夷季硕

˙ω˙Are there any marketing cases that have sold poorly?
Actually, I have not really felt or experienced the so-called special "sales marketing" in real life, but if I think about it carefully, there are actually many Sometimes, when we go shopping, we often hear similar advertising slogans or slogans. In fact, to a large extent, these also fall within the scope of sales marketing. For example, when we go shopping, we often walk in front of some stores and hear the store using loudspeakers to advertise loudly. The owner of this store does not manage it well, so he sells all his goods at a loss, just to make himself happy as soon as possible. To withdraw funds and give profits to the majority of consumers. In fact, if you taste and understand carefully, this is a typical form of underselling marketing. Many times, we may do it out of sympathy or out of a desire to take advantage, but we After I actually bought the things, I found out that they were not worth the so-called low price, or that these things had no practical value to me. However, the owners of these stores took good advantage of the psychology of us consumers. This kind of The marketing method of selling miserably is quite successful. , but no matter what, I personally think that if you want to truly sell your products, the most important thing is to truly start from the perspective of consumer demand, to truly be genuine and to operate with integrity. To gain recognition from consumers, just relying on temporary bad marketing can bring you temporary rewards and tears, but this kind of marketing method is destined not to last long.
1. A joke I saw on the Internet: 'Sir, are you buying a house? If you don't buy it, it will go up again.' I have no money, no house, and no house. "There was silence on the other end of the phone." Sir, I help real estate developers distribute leaflets for 80 yuan a day, regardless of food. If you are interested, you can contact me. "
2. It doesn't matter whether you want to buy it or not. Come and have a look in the house. Come and have a look in the house! All the famous brands in our store are sold for two yuan. All are sold for two yuan!!!!!! Everything you choose is two yuan, whatever you buy is two yuan!!!!!! Whatever you choose, you get two yuan and you buy everything!!!!!! The original price was ten yuan or eighty yuan!!! !!!Two yuan for processing, two yuan for sale!!!!!! Real clearance, real sale!!!!!! You don’t need to ask the price, you don’t need to bargain, and you are not afraid of being ripped off!!! !!!Everything is sold for two yuan, you can buy anything for two yuan!!!!!! Just pick and choose, everything is sold for two yuan, you can buy anything for two yuan!!! It’s all two yuan!!!!!! Just pick and choose, everything is sold for two yuan, everything you buy is two yuan!!!!!! For two yuan, you can’t buy it and you will suffer a loss!!!!!! For two yuan, you You can't be fooled!!!!!! Real value for money!!!! Get whatever you want, buy whatever you want! ! Selling for two yuan, whatever you choose, you will get two yuan”!! 1!! If you pass by, don’t miss it!!!!!! This is a rare opportunity, the whole place is on clearance!!!!!! Sale at a loss, the whole place Sell ​​two pieces, sell two pieces for everyone!!!!!!
3. A small-scale food company wants to promote its hot sauce before it goes on the market. If we can’t afford to rent a billboard in the city, we rent a billboard at the city gate. After renting the billboard, the company immediately posted a notice: "Advertising space for rent, 880,000 for the whole year!" The impact of the sky-high price sign seemed undoubted, and gradually the whole city knew that there was an absurdly expensive advertising space at this intersection. . A month later, the hot sauce advertisement went up, and the market quickly opened up.
4. I went out on a tricycle and saw a wallet on the back seat. I told the master whose wallet had been dropped. When I went to get it, I found that it was tied to the seat. I asked the master what was going on. He said there were few customers. When there are many cars, customers will choose a car. Every time when a customer chooses a car, he will see a wallet at the back. A cheap person will take his car. When he gets on the car, he finds that he cannot take it out and there is nothing he can do. This can save more money. Get a lot of customers.
5. A new fish pond was opened yesterday, with a fishing fee of 100 yuan. After fishing all day without catching any fish, the boss said that anyone who didn’t catch a fish would be given a chicken as a gift. Many people went there and when they came back, everyone came back with a chicken. Everyone was very happy! I think the boss is very interesting!! ! Later, the gatekeeper of the fishing ground said that the boss was originally a professional chicken farmer, and there were no fish in the fish pond.
6. Practical case of clearing inventory: I saw 688 pairs of Nike sneakers on the Internet, and the seller said that every pair was fake and he would pay three for each. So I bought it, but when the expre ss arrived today, I opened it and saw that it was 4 pairs of fake Nike shoes.