How to report too many elevator advertisements in your community

一、How to complain about elevator advertisements

Legal analysis: Generally, the advertisements on the elevators in the community are undertaken by the property management company. That is to say, if any company wants to advertise in our community To advertise inside, you must obtain permission from the property owner. If you think these advertisements are not particularly good, you can directly complain to your property company.

Under normal circumstances, public places such as elevators are actually owned by the owners of the community. Therefore, as long as the owners work together to pre vent advertising, there is nothing that can be done about the properties in the community. In addition, the revenue generated by these advertisements actually belongs to the owners.

Legal basis: Article 54 of the "Property Management Regulations of the People's Republic of China" uses shared parts of the property and shared facilities and equipment for business operations, and must obtain the consent of the relevant owners, owners' conference, and property service companies. After that, go through the relevant procedures in accordance with the regulations. The income earned by the owners should be mainly used to supplement special maintenance funds, and can also be used according to the decision of the owners' meeting.
