Vertical billboard at the entrance of mobile phone repair shop

本文目录一览I see that many repair shops are selling this brand. To be honest, what do you think?
This company is located in Shenzhen. I heard that the scale of this brand has grown quite big in recent years. It supplies hundreds of millions of products every year. They have several regular factories in Guangdong, all of which are making products. Mobile phone screen assembly, battery, integrated cover, etc. Their brand management and after-sales policy are very good. If you are doing wholesale repair business, they are very suitable for purchasing as an agent. They are very popular. . OK, if necessary, your inquiries are always welcome.

Advertising slogan about mobile phone repair
No points! Who is going to spend that energy thinking about you?

How to write a billboard for home appliance repair
If it is a signboard, write the name of your shop directly, such as "xx Home Appliance Repair", write your phone number, what you want to do most or what you are best at Repair items (these words should be written smaller); if it is a light box advertisement, just write the repair items you want to do most.

How to open a mobile phone store with China Mobile's communications
This is called an agent. You must at least negotiate with the local county-level mobile phone branch, depending on your area (the location of your mobile phone store) Whether you need a bridge to accompany an agent, it is an infringement to list your property hastily. This is generally more difficult, but it is easier to do if you have connections. As for the profit from recharge cards and selling numbers, this is different in every place. Recharge cards are generally 1-5%, which varies. Numbers are generally around 20, and May block changes. As for who makes the billboard, it depends on how you negotiate it, but at least it needs authorization from the mobile company.
