
2024-09-23 07:44:08
⑴A merchant in Chongming, Shanghai was put on trial for selling a vegetable set meal worth 280 yuan. What warning effect does this have?

A merchant in Chongming, Shanghai was slapped with a case for selling a vegetable set meal worth 280 yuan, which served as a warning to local merchants. At the same time, I also tell everyone that during the epidemic, you cannot mainly drive up prices. This is illegal. At the same time, you must pay corresponding compensation and price for your actions.

As we all know, the epidemic in Shanghai is very serious, so supplies are often insufficient. At this time, citizens will find their own ways to shop online or buy some sky-high-priced vegetables. Although the price is very expensive, it can protect one's normal life, so they don't care about the money. Merchants take advantage of this mentality of residents, so they raise prices significantly in order to make their profits higher. However, there are clear regulations during the epidemic that do not drive up prices, let alone set vegetable prices too high. And according to the corresponding investigation, it can be seen that the 280 yuan set meal contains some worthless vegetables, such as tomatoes, celery, lettuce, cabbage, etc.

It can be seen that the price of these vegetables is very different from the selling price, so it also violates the corresponding laws and regulations. You must know that the country has certain requirements for merchants. During the epidemic, they should sell their own food honestly and responsibly. However, if other corresponding methods appear, such as group purchases, set meals, etc., they all violate the expectations of consumers. rights and interests. Moreover, operators should strictly abide by laws and regulations, do a good job of clearly marking prices, and must not increase prices or gouging prices, otherwise they will face severe penalties.

However, there are still some businesses who ignore national laws and regulations and care about their own profits, which leads to such a situation. Therefore, after this incident occurred, these businesses must not dare to engage in similar behavior again, because the gain outweighs the loss. Moreover, each region has distributed corresponding anti-epidemic materials. Therefore, you can collect your own supplies according to the instructions of local personnel. If there are no supplies, you must also call the corresponding phone number in time.