Thoughts on billboard homophone memes

一、Is it just because people in the industry hate homophonic memes because they are too low?

Homophone memes have become very popular in recent times, and are almost everywhere. They are reflected in every aspect of daily life, from advertising slogans to store signs, and it is impossible to avoid them even if you want to. Homophonic memes are the clever use of the Chinese language's many homophones. You can flexibly replace words with homophones/near-phonemes as needed. It's so fun and interesting to use, and it's common for misunderstandings and beatings to happen if you use them improperly. Homophony can not only reduce the difficulty of your memory, but also humor you in boring daily life. So in daily life, more and more people play this. But after a long time, it became unbearable.

Homophony is originally a very serious rhetorical device. In the process of literary creation, authors love to use it very much. It can help the author expre ss his inner thoughts in a subtle way. The semantic extension leaves people with room for imagination and strengthens the artistic value of language. In many classical works of art, the author uses this technique flexibly, making the whole story more vivid. Not only in literary works, it is also often used in couplets.

Now on the Internet, imaginative netizens have "researched" a lot of homophones. Like cross talk, jokes have a complete logical structure, and a large number of homophonic jokes. "Very broken", purely sensational, with very no technical content, and outside the logic of the script, with little possibility of continued fermentation. This is not only low, sometimes this kind of thing is not nutritious, but also those netizens who are having fun combine celebrity homophony with cold jokes to produce a 1+12 sand sculpture effect. For example, Wu Jing glared at Jupiter and Jupiter stopped turning. It turned out that he was not turning around. Wu Jing doesn't beat people, he only teases them, because Wu Jing teases people, "How many pieces of clothes should I buy?" "Five pieces is good" (Wu Jianhao) What if the pig escapes? Guess the name of a male star - Wang Leehom (explosion) and so on. To be honest, I can't help but admire the imagination of netizens. Here, I don’t know what these homophonic celebrities think when they see this.
