
⑴What kind of business is good now?
Big market, promising industries, are nothing more than energy, communications, and financial industries \x0d\x0aSmall markets, relatively promising, are needed by the public and consumer loyalty Industries with relatively high awareness, such as catering, retail, and production\x0d\x0aWhether it is work or starting a business! You need to choose your own interests, find your own advantages, and discover your strengths.\x0d\x0a1: Consider your interests, do what you like the most, and make work fun. Only then can you develop better in this industry\x0d\x0a2: Analyze the experience you have and do what you are best at. Being an expert will make you handy in many things\x0d\x0a3: Here we emphasize relationship channels, which rely on accumulation in social life. One more channel equals one more opportunity. Getting rich often depends on connections. This is not unreasonable\x0d\x0aMy opinion and my approach are\x0d\x0a1. Make money with compound interest. That is to say, the original profit is the profit, and the profit is the compound profit. It's equivalent to putting money at high interest, and then plowing it into the capital when you get the interest\x0d\x0a2, making money in a compound manner. A person with three heads and six arms can’t earn much. You have to have many people working for you, many ways to make money for you, and many places to make money for you\x0d\x0a3. Use others to make money for you, liberate yourself, and only then can you have Time to learn how to make money quickly\x0d\x0a4, be able to use the power of capital\x0d\x0a5, be able to use the power of connections\x0d\x0a6, be able to use the power of leverage: such as borrowing the power of others, borrowing the power of capital? ?Partners, start a business together??\x0d\x0a7, increase revenue and reduce expenditures\x0d\x0a8, parasitism method, that is, borrowing from large companies, or joint stock\x0d\x0a9, make more efforts than others
