Class creative billboard

The oral communication class is holding a class meeting on the theme of "Learning from Life". When it is your turn to speak, how will you introduce it to everyone?

The sample version of the speech is as follows:

1. Hello everyone, let me introduce literacy methods in daily life. First of all, we can recognize the Chinese characters commonly used in life through signs on the road we pass every day, such as stop signs, signs, and billboards.

2. In addition, you can also learn many words on the TV, computer and at home. When reading a book, if you encounter a word you don't know, you can look it up in a dictionary. Chinese characters are indispensable in our lives. They are a bridge for people to communicate and a symbol of human progress. Let us work together to move forward and carry forward Chinese characters.

The process and pre cautions for oral communication:

1. Exchange serious methods with each other, encourage independent literacy, and stimulate students' interest in further active literacy.

2. Be able to expre ss your thoughts completely and clearly, with a generous attitude.

The most important and difficult points in teaching: being able to expre ss your thoughts completely and clearly, with a generous attitude. Teaching process:

3. Create situations.

Sketch performance (Wenwen, Lele, Lanlan, discuss how to learn more words)

How can we learn more words? What other methods do you know?

4. Group communication.

(1) Everyone talks about their own literacy methods, writes their literacy results on cards, and displays them in the group.

(2) Students in the group help each other to make everyone speak clearly, completely and with a generous attitude.

5. Communicate with the whole class.

(1) The group recommends it to the whole class for communication. Other students will comment on this method. Students who can come to the stage to communicate can ask questions.

(2) Evaluate and compare “Reading Stars” and “Speaking Stars”.

6. Teacher summary.

There are many ways to read words. Students should be thoughtful and be able to use various methods flexibly to read words anytime and anywhere and become knowledgeable people.

7. The whole class will show their extracurricular literacy achievements.

The difference between public service billboards and class design drafts
1. Purpose: The purpose of public service billboards is to convey certain public welfare information, such as environmental protection, traffic safety, healthy living, etc., to increase public awareness and action. The purpose of the class design draft is to display the image, characteristics and activities of the class, and to enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the class.
2. Content: The content of public service billboards is usually short and powerful slogans or pictures to attract the public's attention and resonate. The content of the class design draft mainly includes the class name, logo, slogans, event photos, etc. to show the class's style and vitality.
3. Form: Public service billboards come in various forms, including posters, light boxes, bulletin boards, etc., which are placed in public places to attract more people's attention. Class design drafts are mainly in the form of graphic design, such as class posters, brochures, etc., which can be displayed within the school or shared on the Internet.
4. Creator: The creator of a public service billboard can be an advertising company, a design team or an individual, and needs to have certain professional design capabilities. The creators of class design drafts are usually students in the class, who can use their creativity and design talents to showcase the characteristics of the class.
