
What color is the tallest furniture billboard?


本文目录一览⑴How to design a furniture store billboard_How to design a furniture store sign

First, it should conform to the public's aesthetic style. The logo design must be novel, eye-catching and full of personality, and the logo production must be Standard, exquisite and durable;

Second, it has a distinctive personality, allowing people to recognize the intention and characteristics of the signage at a glance, thus effectively promoting and communicating;

< p>Third, the design is rich in connotation. If it is a company's logo production, it must be symbolic of the corporate spirit, such as corporate culture, corporate business philosophy, etc. Culture is the soul of corporate signage production, so novel and unique designs should be emphasized in logo design;

Fourth, using limited space to convey as much content as possible is an important aspect of signage production. The function is to provide people with information and attract people's attention. Therefore, it is recommended to use various methods such as text and graphics to expre ss rich content in a concise way.

⑵What are the design points of billboards?

The design points of billboards mainly include the following aspects:

Highlight the brand: When designing billboards, you must Clear understanding of the brand and highlight the sense of belonging to the brand to enhance brand awareness and impre ssion.

Color selection: Color is an important factor in billboard design. Bright color patterns and contrast can enhance the appeal of advertisements and deepen the audience's memory of the brand.

Simple and clear: The billboard design should be concise and clear, avoiding complex designs to facilitate the audience to quickly understand and accept the advertising message.

Prominent characters: In billboard design, characters should become the visual focus. Compared with other elements, characters tend to attract the audience's attention and appeal more.

Font size: If the billboard is close to the audience, the font can be moderate; if the billboard is far away from the audience, the font should be set larger to make it easier for the audience to see clearly.

Unique creativity: You can appropriately add creative elements to the billboard design, but it should not be too advanced to avoid being difficult for the audience to understand.

Clear reminder: billboards should be designed to be highly suggestive, with images as the mainstay and text as the auxiliary. Use simple and lively text, avoid lengthy words, and try to use short text to clearly expre ss the theme of the advertisement.

Single theme: An advertisement can only have one theme. The meaning of the advertisement should be clearly expre ssed through a combination of text and images. Try not to list data.

Regular font: The font should be as regular as possible, and try not to use fonts such as artistic fonts or "Mars text" that are less popular, so that the audience can understand and know the content of the advertisement in the shortest possible time. .

In the design, attention should be paid to the application of the above points. At the same time, the overall design must be in line with the brand image and audience group, and be attractive and visually impactful.

⑶、What material is good for the panel?

Material selection for the panel Depends on specific application scenarios and budget. Common material recommendations include wooden panels, plastic panels and metal panels. Wooden panels have a natural texture and aesthetics and are suitable for home decoration and furniture production. However, they are easily deformed by moisture and require regular maintenance. Plastic panels have excellent weather resistance, corrosion resistance and easy processing, and are suitable for indoor and outdoor decoration and billboards. However, they have poor strength and high temperature resistance and are prone to aging. Metal panels have excellent strength, rigidity and corrosion resistance and are suitable for industrial equipment and building exterior walls, but they are relatively expensive, have long service life, and are easy to clean and maintain.

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