Large advertising light box on hotel outdoor wall

本文目录一览?^?What are the specific forms of outdoor advertising light boxes?
[Goodbon] With the improvement of living standards and the innovation of technological levels. There are more and more types of advertising light boxes, and there are dozens of types of outdoor advertising light boxes alone, such as outdoor ultra-thin advertising light boxes, outdoor, outdoor crystal light boxes, outdoor rolling light boxes, outdoor blister light boxes, outdoor double-sided light boxes, outdoor acrylic light boxes, Outdoor magnetic advertising light boxes, outdoor smart induction advertising light boxes, outdoor pull-up light boxes, outdoor community rolling advertising light boxes, outdoor bus shelter light boxes, trash can advertising light boxes, etc. Next, Goodbon will take you to understand the specific scope of use of light boxes.
The first is the ultra-thin light box with the widest range of applications. It is mainly used for product display in stores, exhibition halls, design products, etc. It has a wide range of applications. The second is the large-scale fabric light box, which is mainly used for large-scale product display. It is mainly used for product display in exhibition halls, product display at railway stations and high-speed train stations, and product display at airports. It has a wide range of applications. The main characteristic of the lab light box is that the product display is wider, more grand, and the effect is more spectacular.
The third is the outdoor rolling light box, which is mainly combined with the outdoor bus shelter to form a rolling advertising light box in the bus shelter. This kind of advertising light box that integrates human resources and advertising resources enables the advertising light box to cover a wide range and be popular among a large number of people. The advertising forms are changeable and the advertising content is diverse. There are also outdoor blister light boxes, which are mainly used for bank glass windows, shopping mall walls, and exhibition hall walls. It saves space and beautifies the environment. With outstanding advertising effects and many other advantages, they are integrated into one form of advertising light box. For more advertising light box production technology and prices, please visit

˙﹏˙What are the common forms of outdoor advertising?

Outdoor advertising (outdoor advertising), generally advertising set up outdoors is called outdoor advertising. Common outdoor advertising include: roadside billboards, high pillar billboards (commonly known as anti-aircraft guns), light boxes, neon billboards, LED billboards, etc. Now there are even advanced outdoor advertising forms such as air balloons and airships. Outdoor advertising production has developed in the past two or three years. Nowadays, many advertising companies are paying more and more attention to the realization of creativity and design effects of outdoor advertising. All walks of life are eager to quickly enhance their corporate image and spre ad business information. Governments at all levels also hope to establish a city image and beautify the city through outdoor LED billboard advertising. These provide huge market opportunities for outdoor advertising production, and therefore put forward higher requirements. In a modern society with the rapid development of science and technology, outdoor advertising also uses many new materials, new technologies, and new equipment, and has become a kind of art that beautifies the city and is one of the signs of the city's economic development. The types of outdoor advertising installations can be divided into two categories. Self-designed outdoor advertising refers to the use of signs, light boxes, neon monograms, etc. as media forms. The registered address is registered with the unit and the use of owned or leased buildings , structures and other positions, the names (including logos, etc.) of enterprises, institutions, individual industrial and commercial households or other social groups. Commercial outdoor advertising refers to the use of light boxes, neon lights, electronic display devices, display boards, etc. Vector form and commercial advertising set on vehicles.


⊙▂⊙What does outdoor advertising include?
1. Wall advertising: Advertisements drawn on the walls of buildings, often found on urban streets and rural roads.
2. Enclosure advertisements: Advertisements placed on enclosure facilities such as construction sites, usually used to promote projects under construction or to block construction areas.
3. Large-scale advertising on the building: Large-scale advertising boards installed on the exterior walls of buildings have a high exposure rate due to their height and prominent position.
4. LED display advertising: Video or image advertising played through LED screens is common in bustling business districts, traffic arteries, etc.
5. Light box advertising: An advertising form that uses a light box as a carrier and a light source inside. It can emit light at night and has a good visual effect.
6. Road flag advertising: Advertising flags hung on both sides of the road or at intersections, used for road guidance and publicity.
7. Bulletin board advertisements: Set up in bulletin boards in communities and public places to display various information.
8. Bus stop sign advertising: Advertisements placed on bus stop signs can be accessed by passengers while waiting for the bus.
9. Car body advertising: Advertisements painted on the exterior of the vehicle can be full or partially covered. They are highly mobile and can achieve good publicity effects.
10. Sunshade advertising: sunshade facilities with advertising patterns set up in public places, commercial streets, etc.
11. Anti-aircraft artillery advertisements: Set up at high places such as highways and main urban roads, with high visibility.
12. Cross-bridge advertising: Advertising boards placed on bridges often attract the attention of a large number of passing vehicles and pedestrians due to their superior location.
Outdoor advertising has become an important means of corporate promotion due to its unique visual impact, long-term release time, and high urban coverage.
