How long is the outdoor billboard approval certificate valid for?

⒈What are the advantages of outdoor advertising?

As a media alongside film, television, print, and radio, outdoor advertising has its own distinctive characteristics. Compared with other media, it has an absolute advantage in "time". The billboard production company will introduce it to you in detail. High reach rate. Through strategic media arrangement and distribution, outdoor advertising can create an ideal reach rate. According to a survey conducted by ZenithOptimedia, the reach rate of outdoor media is currently second only to that of television media. With strong visual impact, the ancient method of erecting giant billboards in public places has been practiced for thousands of years, demonstrating its effectiveness in conveying information and expanding influence. A giant billboard set up in a prime location is a must-have for any company that wants to build a lasting brand image. Its directness and simplicity are enough to fascinate big advertisers around the world. Many well-known outdoor billboards, perhaps because of their durability and prominence, have become well-known symbols of this area. People may turn a blind eye to the streets and buildings, but these giant billboards alone are unforgettable for a long time. The release period is long, and many outdoor media are released persistently and around the clock. They stand there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This feature makes it easier for the audience to see it and can easily see it, so it can last as long as the customer needs.

With low cost per thousand people, outdoor media may be the most value-for-money mass media. Although its prices vary, its cost per thousand (that is, the media fee required for each thousand viewers) is interesting compared with other media: spotlight billboards are $2, radio stations are $5, Magazines are $9, and prime-time TV is $1,020! But in the end, customers focus more on the cost per thousand people, that is, the cost per thousand viewers.

⒉Outdoor billboards usually change their graphics every few months
If it is rented, it depends on how long you have rented it and whether the content needs to be updated.
As for pictures, if you use inkjet printing, it can last for 1 to 2 years, and the best time for color is 7 months.
If it is outdoor car stickers or outdoor photos, it can also last for 1 year, and the color The best time is 5 months.
Generally, outdoor advertising will be changed once in a season.
