Can billboards be installed in gas station yards?

⒈Is the promotion on the gas station sign considered advertising?

The promotion on the gas station sign is advertising. The target of billboards in gas stations is drivers, so the design must consider the three factors of distance, viewing angle, and environment. The design of billboards in gas stations should focus on reminders, with pictures and texts, with images as the mainstay and text as the auxiliary. The use of text should be simple and clear. Otherwise it will be difficult for moving vehicles to remember. Simplicity Simplicity is an important principle in billboard design. The simpler the image, the higher the driver's attention value.

Characteristics of gas station billboards

The billboards in gas stations are made using computer spray painting, so the billboards we see The picture is real, the definition is very high, and the format is not limited. Gas station billboards are welded with welding strips, so the billboards are relatively strong and durable. The billboards can have built-in lights, and the light will be even and LED will illuminate the characters.

Furthermore, most billboards in gas stations use thermoforming technology, so text, graphics, etc. can be made in a variety of colors during production, and they are formed in one go.

⒉Are billboards allowed in gas stations?
Billboards are not allowed inside gas stations.
Advertising is business. Without the permission of the state industry and commerce, hard-core billboards are not allowed to be set up in gas stations, and publicity for other companies is not allowed. If there is such behavior, you may have the purpose of using advertising to attract business in industry and commerce. Not allowed without permission. However, if it is licensed by industry and commerce, you can use billboards to promote other companies and conduct advertising for profit purposes.
