How to charge for billboards at intersections in Baoding, Hebei

一、How to get from Baoding Bus Station to Hebei Software Vocational and Technical College?
You can take bus 306 and 305 at the intersection in front of Baoding Passenger Transport Center!
You can take bus 22 at the Passenger Transport Center Station!
If you take a taxi, you can get there for 5 yuan. In fact, it is just at the intersection of the Passenger Transport Center Station (East Second Ring Road, Baoding City) and you can go directly north to the east.

二、How to get to the newly opened toll station in Baihe Town, Tang County, Baoding?
You can take a bus from Tang County to the North Ring Road. After that, many buses to Quyang and Fuping will take the Baofu Line, and then just ask the driver where to get off.
