How to install billboards on glass curtain walls


How to install billboards on glass curtain walls
1个回答 分类:广告牌 2024-09-21 19:21:50


What are the regulations for LED screen billboards facing the street?

It is not allowed to hang, post, or write promotional slogans and advertising signs, signs, stickers, or set up external electronic displays on the facades, roofs, doors and windows of buildings (structures) facing the street without authorization; Publicity slogans and advertising signs, signs, stickers, or external electronic displays shall not be posted or written without authorization on the transparent glass curtain walls, doors and windows of buildings (structures) facing the streets on both sides of main streets and in key areas.

How to install large billboards on glass curtain walls
According to your opinion, large billboards should be installed on the outside of the glass curtain wall. There is a principle, in the glass seam of the completed glass curtain wall. The corner code protrudes from the keel at the back and is used to fix the billboard. Generally there is no problem. If it is too big, the keel at the back needs to be strengthened. Re-apply glue to the corner code area to pre vent water leakage. If the glass curtain wall has not been built yet, the position of the billboard can be reserved during the design. This part can be made of aluminum plate or galvanized iron sheet without glass, because generally billboards are often replaced. Thank you, I hope this can help to you.
