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壹、What channels can be used to promote community app operations
The following is a modified and polished version of the original content:
1. App store promotion
-App market cooperation: with Cooperate with mainstream markets such as 360, App Store, and Baidu Mobile Assistant to increase the visibility of the APP.
-Operator application stores: Cooperate with operators such as China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom, and use their huge user bases for promotion.
-Mobile phone system provider application store: Use official application stores such as Samsung and Huawei to make official recommendations.

-Third-party application stores: Establish cooperative relationships with various third-party stores to understand and adapt to the rules of different markets.
-Software download site: Submit APP on sites such as Sky Download and Huajun Software Download to attract users to download.

2. Online alliance promotion
-Point wall promotion: Through the points reward mechanism, users are encouraged to complete tasks to obtain virtual currency, and are billed according to CPA.
-Interstitial ads: Display full-screen or half-screen ads when the app is opened or paused to increase click-through rates and user activity.
- Cooperation between network alliances and agents: agree on CPA prices and KPIs, ensure user quality, and place advertising spaces.
-Mobile DSP advertising: Use mobile advertising placement on Google, InMobi and other platforms.
-Brush promotion: attract users’ attention by improving the APP’s ranking in the app store, but the cost is high.
3. In-app promotion
-In-app mutual promotion: Exchange users with other application developers to jointly increase traffic.
-PUSH notification: Use push function rationally to avoid user fatigue and improve user retention rate.
-Pop-up promotion: Display ads when the app starts, but be careful not to overly affect the user experience.
-Focus image promotion: Display pictures in a prominent position in the application to attract users' attention.
-App recommendation promotion: Cooperate with Kingsoft, Limited Free Encyclopedia, etc. to increase exposure.
-Jailbreak promotion: Cooperate with PP assistants, etc. to conduct CPT or CPA settlement.
-Internet open platform promotion: Submit APP on open platforms such as Tencent and 360 to acquire new users.
4. Social promotion
-Social marketing: Use SNS platform to disseminate soft content to attract users' attention.
-Big V forwarding: Cooperate with influential Weibo and WeChat accounts to promote content.

-WeChat group promotion: organize activities in WeChat groups and encourage users to download by sending red envelopes and other methods.
- Human flesh review promotion: improve the APP’s rating and ranking in the store through artificial means.
5. Offline promotion
-Pre-installation by mobile phone manufacturers: Cooperate with mobile phone manufacturers to pre -install the APP at the factory.
-Parallel import flashing: It is promoted in the Android mobile phone flashing market, but the cost and user quality are difficult to control.
-Licensed store promotion: Promotion in physical stores has high user quality but requires a lot of stores and training.
-Offline promotion activities: such as light boxes, knife flags, LED screen advertisements, and cooperation with chain stores for promotion.
-Exhibition material promotion: Promote the APP through gifts and other methods at the exhibition site.
-Local promotion: offline promotion in specific areas, such as airports, train stations, etc.
6. New media promotion
-Content planning: analyze user psychology, creative content, and improve dissemination.
-Basic brand promotion: Create brand entries and participate in Q&A interactions.
-Forum and Tieba promotion: Publish promotional content in relevant forums and Tieba.
-Weibo promotion: anthropomorphize products, tell stories, maintain original content, and increase brand exposure.
-WeChat promotion: Promote on WeChat public accounts and cooperate with similar public accounts to increase conversion rate.
-PR communication: Use major social platforms to tell brand stories and enhance brand image.
-Event marketing: Use hot events to create hype and increase brand awareness.
-Data analysis: Find problems from the data and optimize promotion strategies.
[Activity Box] is a management tool for activity operations within the APP, helping the APP improve its ability to attract new users, promote activity, retain, and convert.