How to install rooftop billboards to withstand typhoons

⒈What kind of tape is good to put on typhoon-proof glass? How to put on typhoon-proof glass?
Introduction: Sticking rice characters on the glass during a typhoon is one of the things that many people do, especially coastal residents. The principle of this method is that the middle part of the glass is relatively fragile, so applying crisscross tape to the glass window can increase the toughness of the glass and better withstand typhoons. So, what kind of tape is best to put on the typhoon-proof glass? Is black tape or yellow tape better? Let’s find out together below.
What kind of tape is good for typhoon-proof glass
Rainy glass
The protective effect of the "meter"-shaped tape is related to its thickness. Tape with a certain thickness and elasticity should be used, so yellow sealing tape works better. There are many types of tape, and you should choose one with a certain thickness and elasticity. For example, yellow sealing tape is more effective, and it must be applied from indoors to have an enhanced effect! On the contrary, generally transparent and thin tapes have no effect.
It is best to apply the tape in a diagonal cross or rice-shaped pattern, and it is best to apply it outside the window frame to provide a better support point in the center of the glass.
In addition, it is best not to use tools made of hard materials such as hard brushes to clean the glass to avoid scratching the glass and causing cracks. Once the cracks extend, it will be even more difficult to block the strong wind when a typhoon comes.
Why is it safer to post the word "rice"?
The middle part of the glass is relatively fragile, so applying criss-cross tape on the glass window can increase the toughness of the glass. It can not only resist large wind pre ssure, but also pre vent people from being hurt by splashing when the glass breaks.
Affixing tape to the glass of windows can also reduce the frequency of glass vibration when facing strong winds, so it is safer and increases the protective effect to some extent.
What to do when a typhoon hits?
1. Close doors and windows tightly
Doors and windows facing south should be closed tightly. You can stick rice-shaped glue on the windows along the diagonal and central axis, and people should not be close to the glass doors and windows.
2. Windproof reinforcement
It is necessary to do a good job in windproof reinforcement of work sheds, billboards, trees, etc., strengthen the outdoor units of air conditioners, and store high-altitude items such as balcony flower pots.
3. Prepare in advance
It is best to store some food, drinking water, medicine, emergency lights and flashlights, and plan the route to the emergency shelter.
4. Make a flood control embankment
To pre vent water from entering your home, you can make a simple flood control embankment by filling it with water in a double-layer plastic bag, putting it in a box, covering it with a waterproof plastic sheet, and placing it at the door.
5. Be careful when going out
People should try not to go out, ensure that the elderly and children stay in the safest place at home, and people in dangerous buildings should be moved in time.
6. Temporary evacuation
Avoid billboards and big trees on the road, and hide in safe places such as strong buildings to avoid wind and rain.
7. Beware of electric shock
Stay away from high-voltage lines, iron towers, and wires, and promptly cut off indoor electrical appliances and dangerous outdoor power supplies.
8. Be wary of surprises
When the center of a typhoon passes, the wind will decrease or remain stationary for a period of time. Remember that strong winds may blow suddenly. You should stay in a safe place to take shelter and wait for the typhoon to leave.
9. Stop operations
Open-air group activities, large indoor gatherings, and outdoor dangerous operations at heights should be canceled promptly, and personnel evacuation should be done well.
10. Safe parking
Vehicles should be parked in a safe place to pre vent being hit by objects and flooded.
