How to strengthen billboards when a typhoon comes

I、Before the typhoon, shops put tape on the glass. Can it really strengthen the glass?

Has no effect. There may be side effects.

Tape is just a placebo for self-deception. If the typhoon can break the glass, or the branches, billboards and other debris rolled up by the typhoon can break the glass, then in the face of such impact energy, the tensile bearing capacity of the tape is not even a drop in the bucket. It will do a disservice and pre vent the glass from breaking into smaller pieces. What is originally just broken glass slag lying on the ground, if there is tape, may turn into large glass pieces with sharp edges, flying out at high speed at the moment of destruction, making it easier to hurt people.

If you put a Gorilla tempered film on the entire window glass and cover it 100%, I admit it is still useful; if you just use ordinary tape to put it on There are even spray-painted masking tapes that can be torn off with bare hands. For the large-area window glass that is popular now, if even one-tenth of the area is not covered, the effect is really not even a drop in the bucket.

So since applying tape is useless, what is the correct approach? When the hurricane arrives, what people in the affected areas of the United States rush to buy is not tape, but plywood.

This is the solution if you really encounter a super hurricane or typhoon. One hundred percent wood board coverage.

So since applying tape is useless, what is the correct approach? When the hurricane arrives, what people in the affected areas of the United States rush to buy is not tape, but plywood.

This is the solution if you really encounter a super hurricane or typhoon. One hundred percent wood board coverage.

I have not found out whether there is a special tape (similar to the special process used to repair aircraft). Generally, a tape with a width of two or three centimeters is used to affix the word "meter" on the floor-to-ceiling glass of shops. It has no effect, maybe it's just a warning, I can't think of any other effects.
