Can the gutter on the second floor exceed the billboard on the first floor?

⒈What should I do if the roof leaks?
The specific methods are as follows:
1. In rural areas, there are still a large number of tiled houses. When roof leakage occurs due to damaged tiles, you only need to replace the tiles. This step Also known as "turn leakage". When leaks occur on the roofs of some buildings with red tiles in urban areas, you only need to remove the grass, moss or dust on the tiles and then replace the tiles, and the leakage pre vention effect will be the same.
2. For flat roofs, if there are obvious cracks in the roof, use a tool to open the crack into a "V" or "U" shape, fill it with caulking grease, and then use waterproofing rolls above and around the crack. Material package. If the cracks are relatively small, you can only use the "Leak Stopper" after cleaning the roof to achieve the purpose of repairing the leaks. If you want to enhance the leakage pre vention effect, you can also lay a layer of waterproof membrane. If there is a large area of ​​​​leakage or multiple leaks on the roof, If so, let professionals first check whether there are any cracks. After dealing with the cracks according to the pre vious plan, lay waterproof membrane on the entire roof. If you want to enhance the waterproof effect, you can also lay down heat insulation boards. Due to the With a height of more than 20 cm, it can achieve the dual effects of protecting the waterproof layer and thermal insulation. Families that are unwilling to use insulation boards can consider using steel mesh concrete (the technical term is steel mesh fine stone concrete), which has a very good anti-leakage effect.
