A billboard with a strong sense of design

本文目录一览How to make billboards more conspicuous
Color is very important in the production of advertising signs, but because everyone likes different colors, it must be based on the different sizes and applications of outdoor advertisements. , the color requirements for design are also different, how can we design good-looking works? So let’s introduce how to design advertising signs to achieve better results?
Red: It should be noted that the contrasting color of red is green, so if you want to stand out, it is better to use green as the main color. As for which green to use, it must be determined by the specific situation. In addition, it must rely on aesthetics and the like. personal experience and abilities. Look at the surrounding environment, coordinate well, and create a more eye-catching tone. Any color needs to be matched to be beautiful. Big red and big green are tacky, but a little red among all the green is beautiful. Look for contrasting hues, such as red and green, yellow and purple, orange and blue. The matching of these colors is the most difficult, but the effect is the most eye-catching and exciting. Note that as long as the neutral tones are blended properly and the proportion of contrasting colors is appropriate, amazing effects will occur. The application of multiple colors is the most noble and harmonious combination. Although the contrast is not strong, it is harmonious. However, it is troublesome to operate. Pay attention to the three major relationships of black, white and gray.
​ The color tone has a warm and romantic meaning. The big relationship is handled well and it is very easy to get started. Creative ideas ideas and colors. Don't worry about blending your background, or adding the occasional outline, or lower shadow. You have to be careful not to use too many colors as this can make it difficult to read. Visual clutter is the most common mistake. Try using color to attract your target audience.
What are the common meanings of different colors in the production of advertising signs and in life? Let’s talk about the four most commonly used colors in advertising sign production: red, yellow, green, and blue. These four colors are commonly used.
Red symbolizes action, warmth, enthusiasm, excitement, passion, danger to life, anger, heat. This is an extremely obvious color that will always get people's attention. Red can also bring about people’s emotions. Red stop signs train us to stop. So it's natural to stop and look at the red picture. Studies show that there are more people in red rooms than in rooms of other colors. Red also brings in good sales for cars, pet shops, pizzerias, and hotels. However, for health authorities, red is not a recommended color because it symbolizes ill health, blood, and emergencies.
Green symbolizes life, nature, environment, youth, money, rebuilding hope and strength. It soothes people, reduces pain, and makes us feel safe. The green traffic lights moderated our progress, and we felt at home. There is great power in any product and service. But it is not wise to use yellow-green for food advertising, because this color can suppre ss appetite. Light green symbolizes calm and is generally used on prison walls, schools, waiting rooms, and hospitals. Green is a great color for financial advisors, banks, accountants. This is a good thing for outdoor products because it gives consumers a feeling of being close to nature.
Yellow symbolizes sunshine, happiness, brightness, cheerfulness, liveliness, easy-going and optimism. Suitable for gardens, candy shops, toy stores, playgrounds. Yellow is the first color the eye catches. It is also the most conspicuous color. This is also the reason why yellow is used as an excuse to pay attention to speed in the morning. Yellow also repre sents caution. Most are yellow signs warning drivers of problems.
Blue Blue symbolizes calmness, relaxation, tranquility, peace, wisdom, loyalty and trustworthiness. Contributes to people's ability to accept and solve their own problems.

What are the types of billboards?

The types of billboards are as follows:

1. Street sign advertising

Street sign advertising is mainly set up in The better the location in the downtown area, the more pedestrians there will be, so the effect of the advertisement will be stronger. Therefore, the specific environment of street signs is the road, and its objects are pedestrians in motion. Therefore, street sign images mostly appear in the form of pictures and texts. The images are eye-catching and the text is concise, making it easy for people to understand at a glance, and it has a visual effect of capturing impre ssions quickly.

It has a strong three-dimensional effect, reproduces the charm of the product, is most effective in establishing the urban image of the product (brand), and is easy to post and replace. The material used is light cloth, which has functions such as waterproof and sun protection.

2. Neon signboards

Neon lights originated in France. The diameter of the lamp body glass tube used at that time was 45 mm. The glass tube was first bent into the required characters or patterns, and then a transformer with a voltage of more than 10,000 volts was used to supply power to make it glow. Neon lights are the beautician of the city. Whenever night falls and the lights first come on, the colorful neon lights make the city extraordinarily beautiful. They are generally installed in bustling downtown areas to promote advertisements and embellish the beautification of the city.

3. Large light boxes

Placed in advertising locations such as building exterior walls, roofs or podiums, they serve as colorful billboards during the day and light up at night It becomes a light box advertisement with "internal lighting". Light box advertising lighting effects are better, but maintenance is more difficult than spotlight billboards, and the lamps used are more susceptible to wear and tear.

4. High-speed anti-aircraft gun billboards

High-speed anti-aircraft gun billboards are an advertising medium that targets mobile audiences. They are mostly placed on both sides of the highway. Show signs to passengers and drivers. The material used is light cloth, which has functions such as waterproof and sun protection.

5. Bus stop shelter advertising

When people are waiting for the bus, passing through the platform passage and driving, because they have free time, people will naturally be attracted by the bus stop. You will be attracted by the various advertising content within the website, so that you can pay attention to things that may be of interest at other times and other places. Therefore, compared with other outdoor advertising, it has higher attention and naturally has a higher recall rate. Bus stop shelter advertisements are mostly used in bus stop materials for advertising effects such as light box cloth, digital silk screen printing, and light sheets.

Extended information:


1. The downstream process orders products according to the accurate quantity written on the billboard.

2. The upstream process produces products according to the exact quantity and order written on the billboard.

3. If you don’t see the billboard, you won’t produce or transport the product.

4. All parts and materials must be accompanied by billboards.

5. Never send defective or incorrect products to the next production station.

6. Be very careful when reducing the number of each billboard to avoid some inventory shortage problems.

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia-Billboard

How to make billboards look good

How to make billboards attract more eyeballs! When you choose advertisers, have you ever thought about whether your billboard can attract users' attention? A good billboard, that is, a creative billboard, can get twice the result with half the effort! How can we get twice the result with half the effort? I hope the following points will be helpful to buyers! Advertising background: When the background of the advertiser's website is black, red, pattern color, etc., the background color of the billboard should not match the background of the website! Reason: The billboard does not stand out. Dynamic advertising: Comparing static and dynamic billboards with each other, the dynamic one is more dynamic! It can better reflect the efficiency of billboard browsing! Advertising Mystery: When designing billboards, there should be a sense of mystery. Everyone is curious! How can you design a mysterious billboard? For example: If you are selling bras, your advertisements can include guidance such as "Understanding women through their breasts" to attract users. Advertising Changes: Change and modify billboards from time to time to fully highlight the novelty. The old billboard model will slowly lose your attention! How do you answer this?

Haha, in fact, there are many types of billboards, many forms, and many prices.

So it depends on your actual situation.

If you are open for part of the night, you can use night-lit billboards, including externally lit billboards, internally lit fabrics, lightbox billboards, and LED screen ads. Cards, etc.

There are many types.

Depending on whether you have enough funds, the price may be high or low. Most of the positions for billboards still need to be published and applied for. This also costs money.

So whether the billboards look good or not is secondary, the main thing is practicality.

Whether it looks good or not depends on the customer’s aesthetics,
