
本文目录一览⒈What is the general size of elevator advertisements?
1. Common advertising sizes in elevators mainly include 55 inches and 21.5 inches.
2. There are many options for standard size flat signage, such as 450mm×600mm, 423mm×570mm or 600mm×800mm.
3. Elevator advertising has the advantages of high-frequency exposure, strong visual impact, unavoidable contact opportunities for the audience, and low-cost operation.
4. Elevator advertising, as an emerging advertising medium, mainly appears on the inner walls of elevators in urban buildings in various forms.
5. Business elevators and building elevators are the main places for elevator advertisements. Common forms are to install photo frame advertisements in the elevator car and install advertisements directly on the elevator doors.

⒉What is elevator advertising?
Elevator advertising refers to the form of advertising in or around the elevator, mainly including poster advertising, LCD screen advertising, audio advertising, etc. inside the elevator, as well as at the elevator door, Advertisements on elevator halls and elevator doors, etc. Elevator advertising is a new form of outdoor advertising. Compared with traditional outdoor advertising, it has the advantages of more pre cise placement, higher exposure rate and better target audience positioning. MediaEasy will introduce to you the characteristics of elevator advertising:
1. Accurately target the target audience: The audience of elevator advertising is mainly the people who live in the community or work in the building, so elevator advertising is very important for specific industries or brands. Clear target audience.
2. High exposure rate: The exposure rate of elevator advertising is very high, because a large number of people enter and exit the elevator every day. Elevator advertising can reach a large number of target audiences in a short period of time, thereby increasing brand awareness.
3. Flexible delivery: The delivery of elevator advertisements is very flexible. Advertising strategies can be flexibly formulated according to the needs and budget of advertisers. Different advertising forms and delivery times can be selected and placed in different elevator locations to increase the efficiency of advertising. Advertising effect.
4. Strong interactivity: Bisun elevator advertising is very interactive. Through LCD screens, audio and other forms, it can better attract the attention of the target audience and enhance brand image and sales.
Advantages of elevator advertising:
1. Accurate target audience: The target audience of elevator advertising is very pre cise and can be targeted at different groups of people and industries to improve advertising effects.
2. High advertising exposure: Elevator advertising can reach a large number of target audiences in a short period of time, thereby increasing brand awareness and sales.
3. Flexible advertising: Elevator advertising can be flexibly placed according to the advertiser's needs and budget. Different advertising forms and delivery times can be selected and placed in different elevator locations.
4. Strong interactivity: Elevator advertising is very interactive. It can attract the attention of the target audience through LCD screens, audio and other forms, and improve brand image and sales.
5. Low cost: Compared with other forms of outdoor advertising, the cost of elevator advertising is relatively low, and it is suitable for small businesses and startups for brand promotion and publicity.
Elevator advertising is a new form of outdoor advertising. It has the advantages of pre cise positioning of target audiences, high advertising exposure, flexible advertising, strong interactivity and low cost. It is suitable for brand promotion and publicity of all types of enterprises.

⒊How to place elevator advertising in Jinan? What's the approximate price?

Elevator advertising in Jinan can take the form of elevator frame advertising, elevator video advertising, and elevator door sticker advertising. The advertising prices are different for different forms.

1. Jinan elevator frame advertisement

Media name: Elevator frame

Media quotation: 768 yuan/frame/week

< p>Production fee: 10 yuan/frame

2. Video advertising in the elevator on the screen

Media form: video in the elevator Advertisement

Playback specifications: 15"

Playback time: 6:30-22:30

Media quotation:


Quotation on the upper screen: 328 yuan/week/unit (300 times/day);

Quotation on the lower screen: 60 yuan/week/unit (300 times/day);

3. Elevator door sticker advertising

Media name: Elevator door sticker

Media quotation: 998 yuan/week/block
< /p>

Production fee: 30 yuan/frame/week

Extended information:

Elevator frame advertisement That is, the elevator poster advertisement is a static picture. The delivery period is one week, and the cost is the price of a single block per week. The number of floors in each community or building is different, and the number of frame advertisements is generally different. The quantity is 50 yuan, and a budget of several thousand or tens of thousands can be used.

Frame advertising is suitable for placing a single advertising screen. You only need to make a picture of the corresponding size. It is currently the most mainstream elevator. The advertising form is relatively simple to produce. Moreover, during the advertising period, this advertising space has only one advertising screen. In other words, if there is only this advertising space in the car, people taking the elevator will only see our family. This is the uniqueness of elevator frame advertising.

Elevator video advertising is a form of advertising that can play video and sound, making the video advertising more vivid and impre ssive. The investment cycle is also one week, and the price of a single advertising space is cheaper than that of frame ads.

The production of video ads requires planning the content to be played, and then recording the video, and the video is generally 15 seconds long. The disadvantage of video advertising is that each advertising space can play multiple ads, which are displayed in a carousel, and residents may not be able to see the ads when taking the elevator.
