
How to add text to a poster in PS? How to put artistic words on the poster p
How to make a poster in PS

1. Open PS, click "File on the menu bar" to create a new blank document. Document size and size units are defined according to actual needs.

2. Select the background image, click "File", select "Open", and select a suitable background image to import into PS.

3. Select "Move Tool", click "File on the Menu Bar", move the image to the document interface currently being edited, select "Free Transform" in "Edit", and adjust the image. Position and size, pre ss the "Enter key" to complete the adjustment.

4. Add another picture, select the picture, drag it into the canvas, and pre ss the "Enter" key to complete the addition. Right-click on the newly added layer 2 and select "Rasterize Layer".

5. Add a filter, select "Filter Library" in "Filter", the option box will pop up, adjust the size of the La Pyro view, select the required filter, and adjust the parameters.

6. Select the layer effect, click "Normal", select the desired layer effect, and use the shortcut key CTRL+T to adjust the position and size of the image.

7. Add "Mask", click "Add Vector Mask" in the lower right corner, select the "Eraser Tool", adjust the brush effect to "Soft Edge Mechanical", reduce the brush transparency, and make Gradient effect.

8. Add text, left-click the mouse at a suitable position on the canvas to pull out the text editing box, add text to the poster, select all the text, use the "Character Option Box" to adjust the text, and finally Add some effects to the text layer.

How to add artistic words to P on posters

1. Break branches into PS

2. Open posters that require artistic words on P

3. Click the text tool in the left toolbar and select the horizontal text tool

4. Select the artistic font in the upper toolbar (you can add the font to your computer, this font is available in PS)

5. After setting it up, just enter the text where needed

Online video tutorial reference web link

How to use PS to put a theme on the poster background image Text

1. Open the poster in Photoshop.

2. After opening the poster, click the text tool in the tools on the left.

3. After clicking the text tool, you can enter text. Press Ctrl+Enter to end the input.

4. After entering text, you can pre ss Ctrl+T and hold down the Shift key to adjust the size.

5. After resizing, just move it to the appropriate position.
