Warm reminder notice when billboard falls off

⑴Does advertising on the exterior wall of your company require approval?
Advertising on the exterior wall of your company does require an approval process, otherwise it will not be approved, so I must complete several steps before I can post advertisements on the wall. The specific situation is as follows, please refer to:
First, I or the legal person of the company must go to the urban management for approval.
Second, those who need to post advertisements should pre pare information:
1. Billboard size
2. Renderings
3. Application form [go to the urban management department to get it].
Of course, generally speaking, to save trouble, you can also choose to ask an advertising inkjet printing company to help you make billboards. In this way, the question will help the company handle the relevant procedures, or it can sell the advertisement to an advertising agency, and they will help the company run the business.

⑵Sudden! A billboard fell and knocked passers-by unconscious in Guang'an, Sichuan. How to avoid similar tragedies?

The occurrence of such tragedies in daily life has a greater relationship with the property management and the people, because before the incident, some Internet bureau friends discovered that the signboard of this dried fruit shop was in an important position. He was so worried about the situation that he even sent this video to the group, hoping that the property management company and the boss would pay attention to it. Who knew that neither of them had any involvement in this matter, so it was only this child who was hit by the signboard. If you want to effectively pre vent this kind of tragedy from happening, you must pay attention to your surrounding environment. If you see such a sign that cannot be dropped, stay away and don't take chances.

It can be seen from the video that 3/4 of this sign is in the air, while the remaining small part is firmly standing on the corresponding wall. However, the danger of such a sign is still relatively high. After all, it needs to be properly maintained and the safety of the sign must be checked regularly. If a problem occurs, it must be repaired in time. If it causes casualties to others, neither the property manager nor the boss can escape.

In addition, this kind of signboard falling event is unpre dictable, so when traveling, you can only walk on the side and try to avoid these signboards. If you find that the signboard is about to fall off, You should also stay away immediately, and you can also call the corresponding police number to let the police intervene. For the mother, the child is only two years old. This phenomenon is very sad and sad. Now the little girl is being rescued in the hospital and is still in a coma.

So this little girl’s mother can collect evidence and take the store to court, asking the other party to give her justice. Moreover, it will also be legally classified as a crime of intentionally injuring others. After all, this phenomenon has been reported by other witnesses, but the merchants, including the property management, have not spoken out or controlled this, so they must bear the main responsibility. But I also hope that this little girl can wake up quickly. If she dies due to such an incident, her mother will live in guilt and pain for the rest of her life.
