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Outdoor billboards are similar to acrylic boards

发布时间:2024-09-20 14:55:03 作者:盍季壤
壹、What materials can replace inkjet cloth (low grade) in outdoor advertising?

There are many materials that can replace inkjet cloth (low grade) in outdoor advertising. The following are some common alternative materials:

PVC sheet: PVC sheet is a commonly used material. Advertising materials, with good waterproof, fireproof, durable and other characteristics. It can be used to make various outdoor billboards, signboards, etc.

Acrylic board: Acrylic board is a high-end advertising material with excellent transparency, processing performance and durability. It can be used to make various high-end outdoor billboards, display stands, etc.

Metal sheet: Metal sheet is also a commonly used advertising material with good processing performance, durability and anti-rust properties. It can be used to make various outdoor billboards, signboards, etc.

Glass: Glass is a high-end advertising material with good transparency, aesthetics and durability. It can be used to make various high-end outdoor billboards, display stands, etc.

LED display: LED display is a modern advertising material that can display various text, pictures and video information, and has good visual and publicity effects. It can be used to make various outdoor billboards, display stands, etc.

In general, there are many materials that can replace inkjet cloth in outdoor advertising. Different materials have different characteristics and uses. It is necessary to choose the appropriate material according to actual needs.

贰、What material are billboards made of?

There are many materials for billboards. Common ones include:

Metal materials

1. Metal . One of the most common materials for billboards is metal, such as steel, aluminum, etc. Metal billboards have the characteristics of high strength, corrosion resistance, not easily damaged, and can withstand various weather conditions. They are also easy to print and process, allowing for billboards to be produced in a variety of shapes and sizes.

2. Acrylic board material. Acrylic panels are also commonly used materials in billboard production. This material has the characteristics of high transparency, various colors, and easy processing. Acrylic billboards have a beautiful appearance, can attract people's attention, and have good weather resistance.

3. Wooden material. In some places that have high requirements on environment and appearance, wooden materials are also used to make billboards. Wooden billboards are natural, environmentally friendly, and can give people a warm feeling. However, it should be noted that wooden billboards are easily affected by weather and environment and require regular maintenance and replacement.

4. Composite materials. In addition, there are some billboards made of composite materials, such as aluminum alloy composite materials. This material combines the advantages of multiple materials and has the characteristics of light weight, high strength, corrosion resistance, etc., and is widely used in the production of various outdoor billboards.

To sum up, the materials of billboards include metal, acrylic board, wood and composite materials. Billboards made of different materials have different characteristics and advantages, and the appropriate material can be selected according to actual needs and environmental conditions. At the same time, the production of billboards also needs to consider factors such as durability, aesthetics, and cost.