
First grade students will learn about roadside billboards
First graders will learn about roadside billboards such as breakfast shops, clothing stores, flower shops, etc. The billboard of the breakfast shop is about having a good morning, the billboard of the clothing store is about cool guys appearing, and the billboard of the flower shop is about the blooming season.

How to choose a location for a breakfast restaurant? Eight tips for choosing a location for a breakfast restaurant
1. Look at the location at a glance.
At first glance, the location of the store you want to choose should be whether it is in the way, conspicuous, whether it can attract wealth, whether the surrounding buildings form a group, and it must not be a single-family house, a single-family building, a stilted building, etc. You must first use inspiration to check whether this place can open a breakfast shop and whether it is a place to make money.
2. View popularity in seven days.
If you have a certain fondness for this place, you can settle down, choose your meal time and work time every day, set 15 time periods, each time period takes one minute, and count the number of passing vehicles and the number of people. They are the elderly, children, office workers, housewives, floating population, etc. Based on these data, draw a trend chart within seven days to obtain consumption results, which facilitates the positioning of breakfast shop franchises.
3. Getting started should be smooth.
The entrance to the store should be spacious and pre ferably suitable for parking vehicles. There should be no tall billboards in front of the store, or big trees blocking the view. The lighting should be good.
4. Traffic is not blocked.
Traffic around the store must be smooth and cannot be blocked. Water brings wealth, and streets and highways are filled with water. If it is interrupted or blocked, it will not be conducive to consumers' dining.
5. Stay away from the triangle tip.
Many streets in a city have triangular points. Don't choose it. If it is opened at a sharp corner, people will just pass by and it will not constitute a consumer market. According to the Bagua analysis, luck is divided. So you have to stay away.
6. Avoid sharp corners.
If there are sharp corners of buildings, lightning rods, or bow and arrow marks in front of the store, do not use them. Such an area is not conducive to opening a store.
7. Close to communities and schools.
The breakfast shop franchise is very down-to-earth as it is located around a community with many entrances and next to a school. Once you get it right, never procrastinate.
8. Commercial offices can be considered.
Around large commercial and residential buildings, business districts can be busy all day long, so you can consider it.
