
⑴Where is the stress point of the single column billboard?
The stress point of the single column billboard is at the fixed base of the lower part of the column.
Single-column billboards usually consist of a column and a billboard board. The lower part of the column needs to be fixed by hammer drilling or reinforced concrete pouring. The billboard is hoisted or bolted to the top of the column. When wind load or other external forces act on the billboard, the fixed foundation at the bottom of the column bears these forces and transmits them to the ground. Therefore, the fixed foundation at the lower part of the column is the stress point of the single-column billboard.
During the use and maintenance process, attention should also be paid to regular inspection and maintenance of billboard boards and columns to ensure their long-term use effect and safety.

⑵Anti-aircraft artillery advertising-a form of single-pillar billboards
Anti-aircraft artillery advertising, a unique form of outdoor advertising, mainly stands on both sides of roads, airports and stations and other places with dense traffic. area. With the deepening of my country's reform and opening up and the rapid economic development, the advertising industry has also prospered. When designing and producing single-column billboards, people have higher expectations for their visual effects, size and economic benefits. The key is that no matter what form (such as a double-sided single column or a three-sided single column), the primary consideration in the design is the pre sentation effect of the advertisement and the safety of the structural foundation.
Double-sided single column and three-sided single column have their own characteristics. The former attracts attention with its two-sided display space, while the latter can provide a wider display area. When designing, we will fully consider regional characteristics and pre sent advertising content in an intuitive and three-dimensional way to ensure the effectiveness of information transmission. The specific design structure diagram intuitively demonstrates how this innovative advertising form skillfully integrates art and function.
Single-column billboards are not only a commercial promotional tool, but also a part of the urban landscape. Their design must not only meet commercial needs, but also be coordinated with the surrounding environment to ensure its long-term stability and safety. It provides visual enjoyment to pedestrians and drivers while conveying the advertiser's brand information.
