
⓵Single-column billboard construction plan and pre cautions

Single-column billboard construction plan and pre cautions

Single-column billboard is a common outdoor advertising media Display platform, also known as Optimus Prime advertising, there are many other advertising display media such as anti-aircraft guns, three-sided flips, road flag advertising, etc. According to different advertising planning plans, different advertising display media are selected. The following is the construction process of the single-column billboard construction plan.

1. Foundation construction: Construction process sequence 1. Laying out lines 2. Foundation pit excavation 3. Earth transportation 4. Precipitation 5. Foundation pit enclosure 6. Edge protection 7. Foundation treatment 8. Basement Processing 9. Cushion concrete construction 10. Laying out lines 11. Axis acceptance 12. Steel bar binding 13. Acceptance 14. Formwork support 15. Acceptance 16. Concrete pouring 17. Maintenance 18. Backfill

A. Excavation Preparatory work for the trench: Preparatory work for the pre -spring period (① Party A will do the "three connections and one leveling" and greening transplantation work on site; ② Collect the location data of the existing underground pipe network to avoid damage to it; ③ Party B Workers and machines enter the construction site and work with Party A to formulate the working area; ④ Positioning and setting out, determine the axis position according to the positioning, and use lime to draw the edge of the foundation pit (trough) excavation;

B. Site excavation:< /p>

1. The construction site of this project has convenient transportation and is open. Excavation by excavator is mainly accompanied by manual clearing;

2. Earthwork placement and excess earth transportation;

< P>3. The construction site is open. During the excavation of the foundation pit, slope excavation should be carried out at an elevation of 2-2.6 meters to pre vent soil wall collapse and safety accidents.

4. Excavation. The key points of excavation construction are to proceed in horizontal sections from top to bottom, first deep and then shallow, to check the depth first, and then dig down the silt to the clay layer to measure the elevation. If the depth is not reached below the groundwater level, the silt is not reached. If the level is below 3600MM and it is necessary to dig further, temporary drainage ditches or water collection wells should be dug around or on both sides of the foundation pit (trough) to reduce the water level to below 500MM at the bottom of the pit to facilitate the continued dewatering work. Foundation construction completed.

5. Completion acceptance of foundation pit (trough)

C. Concrete foundation construction:

1. The foundation section adopts a stepped shape. If the step height is greater than 300MM (see drawings for details), first clean the bottom of the trough, and then add 300MM gravel cushion material;

2. Release the foundation axis and edge lines on the foundation cushion, and the steel bar workers will tie the foundation steel bars , correct the position of the overlapping steel bars of the ground bolts and fix them, and inspect the steel bars.

3. After the steel bars pass the inspection, set up the pre -pre pared templates according to the lines (the templates are mainly light-weight. , multi-layer plywood with small floor area, made and installed on-site. Steel pipe frame or angle steel welding support is used to support the lower-level formwork first, and then the upper-level formwork is supported. The formwork support must be firm to avoid pouring concrete. Water running and deformation.

4. Use C20 commercial concrete conveyor to transport the concrete directly to the pit, and the concrete worker will vibrate the concrete tightly with a vibrator to avoid leakage. .

5. After the concrete is poured and cured, remove the formwork, inspect and backfill the soil.

6. Clean the ground bolts on the exposed ground after the foundation pit is completed. After adding engine oil, wrap it in a plastic bag to pre vent damage to the threaded opening. Prefabricated components such as ground screw removal bolts, wall protection facilities, and flanges must be completed before excavation of the foundation pit. Materials, components, construction machinery and labor should all meet construction requirements.

2. Construction of steel columns:

The steel columns are welded off-site and dragged to the site, followed by crane lifting.

The spiral pipe steel columns were put on site for pre liminary iron-red anti-corrosion, and the flange angle plates and connecting hollow round steel plates were welded to the spiral pipe steel columns. After welding, the weld coating was removed and anti-corrosion was performed, totaling 2 all over. The spiral tube steel columns are topcoated two days before lifting. To ensure that the paint surface of the spiral tube steel column is clean.

3. Welding of the card surface and supporting steel beams:

The card surface adopts a combination solution of on-site welding and crane lifting.

1. The card surface materials are brought in for anti-corrosion, blanking, grouping and welding of the card surfaces and supporting cross arms.

2. The crane supports the steel frame of the sign, the support cross arms, and the center column of the sign, and positions, combines, and welds the steel structure of the sign's steel frame, the support cross arms, and the center column of the sign.

3. After the combined welding of the brand steel structure is completed, check and remove the weld coating to pre vent corrosion and leaks.

4. The steel structure of the brand surface is finished with galvanized sheets. The spacing between rivets is 20CM. Install the galvanized sheet so that the long side of the galvanized sheet is vertically downward to ensure that the completed galvanized sheet is smooth and beautiful.

5. The foundation, columns, signboard steel structure, and installation of galvanized sheets on the signboard steel structure have all been completed and have been accepted in writing.

Installation pre cautions:

1. Post hoisting. When hoisting the column, attention should be paid to the accurate alignment of the wire with the drop suspension to ensure that the wire is not bitten. After the hanging is in place, the closing and tightening of the thread should be carried out evenly to ensure that the tightening of the thread is in place. Then close the second nut tightly.

2. Hoisting of the steel structure of the sign. When hoisting the steel structure of the card surface, attention should be paid to firm lifting points and even and parallel rise. Rise to a certain height and lower evenly to the slightly upper end of the column connection. Ground personnel will coordinate to align the connection points and lower the crane accurately. After the crane is in place, the ground personnel will adjust the position of the billboard. At the end of the fixed point, the welding personnel will mount the upper end of the column to perform welding operations. Weld firmly and lift. The crane evacuated and the welding workers strengthened the welding joints. Other staff members clean up the work site. Welding operation, site cleanup, completion. Professional staff will conduct a completion review of the completed billboards.
