
What are the wealth-making projects in rural areas?
What are the entrepre neurial projects in rural areas?

House wall advertising

We all know that the advertising industry has always been a popular industry. In rural areas, As long as you have an advertising mind, you can earn a lot in this field. There are also a lot of advertising resources in rural areas, but there is a lack of unified management and the resources are not well utilized. For example, some wall advertisements, and now rural houses There are more and more, which makes the wall advertising resources of rural houses more and more abundant.

If you are a local, you can rent wall advertisements from ordinary people at reasonable prices. You can choose some houses on both sides of the national highway or in rural traffic fortresses. After negotiating with the landlord, you can keep the contract for 5-10 years. Rent. The richer the wall resources at hand, the greater the advantages in operation. There are also many wall advertising investment projects, and such wall advertising is particularly favored by businesses, such as medical institutions, car sales, life services, home appliance sales, shopping mall openings, etc.

Gift recycling

In rural areas, festivals are also very lively. Visiting relatives and friends is common, and giving gifts is also a way of connecting with each other. After the holidays, every household basically keeps a lot of gifts and packaged food given by others. And for many families, a large part of the gifts are not really used. Some people do not pre fer these gifts or are reluctant to use them. , causing these gifts to be wasted.

At this time, if there is a business that can recycle gifts, this will solve the needs of the people. In rural areas, the recycling of gifts, such as cigarettes, wine, high-end gift foods, etc., can be used to recycle these purchased items. Sell ​​them again to people in need, and everyone can ask for what they need. Engaging in the recycling and reselling of rural gifts, the profits are not small.

Low-carbon small-scale farming and animal husbandry

"Low-carbon agriculture and animal husbandry" is a new agricultural term that has become popular in recent years. "Low-carbon" is well known as an adjective for environmental protection and low consumption. . In the agricultural and livestock industry, it repre sents greenness and food saving. Low-carbon agriculture and animal husbandry is the focus of future development and has significant advantages. At pre sent, many regions are vigorously promoting low-carbon breeding industry, which has achieved good market effects. Breeding projects with low investment and low manure emissions are more and more favored by the people for breeding and entrepre neurship.

According to the Rural Science and Technology News, tall sheep are typical low-carbon livestock. They are grain-saving breeding and reproduce quickly. Tall sheep are mainly grazed in the wild. Their meat is tender, high in protein, low in fat, and has basically no odor in taste. It is favored by the catering consumer industry and has a hot market. The benefits of such breeding are also considerable. A family raising 30 animals can earn an annual income of about 40,000 to 50,000 yuan. In the future, such breeding will embark on a feasible path towards large-scale breeding and low-carbon animal husbandry.

Life Butler Service

Modern life is fashionable and efficient. Service occupies an important position in our daily life. If we provide good service, we can capture the hearts of consumers and win the market. Engaging in such a life service business is not about the advantages of physical products, but the efficiency of handling things.

For example, in your town or town, set up a small shop like this, which provides expre ss delivery, convenient payment, housekeeping and nannying, educational guidance, agricultural product sales, etc. Such complete life services are also suitable for you. It is what rural areas need, which is equivalent to the integration of these life service projects, which is more conducive to business promotion and publicity.

Nowadays, rural areas are catching up with the information age. As long as the services you provide can really bring convenience to the people, people will be willing to pay. Now there are such life stewards in some rural areas, online Job hunting, mobile phone maintenance, data collection and printing, etc. It also provides free memory card content downloads, purchasing agents, etc., which increases its popularity. The charge for life butler service is generally 10-20 yuan per item. If you have more people, you can earn a lot.

How to promote township business?

The main target customers of township businesses are farmers. What do farmers care about most in their consumption? Affordable (talking about quality)! Cheap (discuss the price)! Make money cheaply (talk about activities)!

Based on these characteristics, personal suggestions:

1. If the pre ferential activities are uninterrupted, business will continue to prosper!

Second, the publicity strategy should be diversified and three-dimensional. For example: leaflets, loudspeakers in rural areas, wall advertisements, etc. Wall advertising to increase business awareness is one of the highest and most lasting publicity methods; flyers and rural loudspeakers are the most effective ways to promote promotional activities!

Third, the most important point is that your business reputation must be good!

Fourth, as a township, its consumer demand potential is getting stronger and stronger, the commercialization of the countryside itself is getting better and better, and business promotion methods must also keep pace with the times! For example, cooperation with some township network information platforms is also a good way.
