
街上常看见的广告牌统称为户外广告,具体的可以分为:户外大牌,城led显示屏,还有公交车身,公交站牌,灯杆灯箱(路灯上),灯箱广告(绿化带)以及高炮(高架)广告牌等等。它们分布在护栏上、墙上、小区里、马路上……小伙伴们有注意到嘛?事君来带你看看这些广告牌上都有啥~ 围墙上马路边电线杆围栏护栏小区内布告栏


世界十大特色广告牌盘点。In the race of becoming the world's best products, different businesses and companies are relying on advertisers and marketing firms to create gimmicks and stints that could really engage and persuade customers into purchasing. Aside from creative ads seen on TV and in some newspapers or magazines, another tool best used to attract people is by means of huge billboards seen on the streets所谓的标识牌在合理的空间范围给指引方向,广告宣传等形式表现。在进行标识牌广告设计时设计时通常都是以环境建筑,色彩,材质等元素。标识牌看似简单但实际设计作起来并不简单。要想能够引起行注目,独特的标识
