
本文目录一览Pay attention to the Feng Shui position of the cash register
In Feng Shui, a good cash register Feng Shui will bring great benefits to a company or a store, and will bring us a lot of wealth. . Therefore, many bosses will choose a better financial position to place the cashier when opening a company or store.
So, next, let’s take a look at the location of the cashier’s Feng Shui and what to pay attention to from the perspective of company Feng Shui!
Company Feng Shui Feng Shui Location of Cashier Counter
The location of the cashier counter is very important. The cashier counter should be in a good location and should not be near a messy place. At the same time, it must be properly arranged.
Avoid setting up counters at the exit of escalators. Shops often set up counters at the exit of escalators. The purpose is of course to enable customers to see the goods being sold as soon as they step onto the floor, thereby increasing the possibility of selling the goods. However, this This practice often causes some customers to deliberately bypass this counter and go to the counter next to it. You may wish to move the counter blocking the stairwell a few meters to the side.
The location of the store is best located on a street with a large flow of people in a more prosperous neighborhood. If this is not the case, the obstacles in front of the store can be removed, and store billboards can also be hung high.
Pay attention to the orientation of the cashier counter
1. The cashier counter should be located east to west, which is said to be "the eldest man matches the girl". Girls like eldest men, who have hair, spring, wealth and wealth. transport.
2. The cashier desk should be located west to east, "the way to make money", I want to make money, the southeast is beautiful, I look out with joy, there is the "way to make money", and the fortune will be prosperous.
3. The cash register should be located north to south, which is the combination of "water and fire". The south "li" is bright and has wealth. When the rays of light shine on Xuanhu, wealth will be generated. If the south is closed and dark, this grid will never allow cashier arrangements.
4. It is not advisable to sit in the "Liu Sha" position at the cash register, because "Liu Sha" is the toilet seat, and "Liu Sha" is the villain's man-made darkness, and the cashier counter is made of gold, with the light of silver and gold and the Liu Sha. On the contrary, if there is a secret fight, if the cashier is in the "Six Evil" position, the business of the company's store will not be prosperous. This is a Feng Shui mystery.
5. The cash register should not face the northwest, because the northwest belongs to "Tianmen" and is Lao Yang, and there is no growth, and wealth does not grow toward old age, so the "God of Wealth" should also sit facing the south.
Six . The cash register should not face north, because there are magnetic fields opposing each other in the north and south. The path of life is to live and die together with the sun. When the sun shines at noon, your career will be prosperous. In the north, there is no half-ray of sunshine from the Xuanhe River. It changes to "Fire and Water". "Ji", so it is said that there is no wealth, and the gods of Beidou's "Seven Yuan Xingjun" all face north to south on the "Xuan River".
Feng Shui taboos for placing store cashiers

1. It is most taboo to place plants or lucky cats on the checkout counter
Although some people’s checkout counters are flat or low, which is suitable, but some people want to add superfluous things. For example, some people like to do it at the checkout counter. People who put lucky cats on the stage think that if they put lucky cats, money will definitely come. If this is the case, then there will be no closed shops, and Feng Shui will disappear from the world. In fact, the lucky cats have no effect at all. , as a decoration, it is not bad. If you put a lucky cat on your cash register, or put one or two pots of plants on your cash register, it is very likely to block the arrival of prosperity and wealth. If someone doesn't believe it, You can also experiment by yourself. For example, if you put two pots of plants on a very busy cashier counter, the taller one will immediately reduce the business, and the effect will be faster than taking laxatives.

How to make a flat billboard that reads "Keep right when going up and down stairs"
Use abstract comic techniques
Draw a simple staircase, with a person going up the stairs on the right and a person on the upper left Go downstairs.
Add more people or widen the stairs as appropriate.
Copywriting: Uniform behavior makes everyone’s life easier.

Is it considered illegal construction if the public staircase on the second floor of a duplex breaks the wall and opens the door?

It is considered illegal construction if the public staircase on the second floor of the duplex breaks the wall and opens the door. If your own house is built legally, it is illegal for your neighbor to demolish the wall privately. It is an infringement and you can collect good evidence and file a lawsuit against him. Decree No. 110 of the Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China, "Residential Interior Decoration and Decoration Management Measures" stipulates that decorators engaged in residential interior decoration and decoration activities are not allowed to change the exterior facade of the residence without approval. Doors and windows on non-load-bearing exterior walls must be approved by the Ministry of Construction. Urban planning administration.

Protect your own rights and interests

First of all, you must determine whether the installation of billboards can pass the approval of relevant departments; secondly, when buying a house or shop, real estate development Whether the contractor can clearly mark the right to use the wall, especially whether there are relevant expre ss limitations and explanations on the use of the external wall; another point is to see whether the two parties can sign a positive agreement, within the scope of legal validity. The agreement is protected by law, and the party whose interests are damaged can protect its own rights and interests through legal procedures.
