What is the use of billboards on highways?


What is the use of billboards on highways?
1个回答 分类:广告牌 2024-09-20 23:11:28


Hello, the big light box advertisement on the highway belongs to the category of outdoor media advertising.
DM advertising is to deliver promotional materials to consumers, homes or company locations through mailing, giving, etc. But there is another saying that DM advertising is direct selling advertising.
Outdoor advertising generally refers to billboards set up outdoors, often appearing in areas with high traffic flow. Common outdoor advertisements include: corporate LED outdoor advertising light boxes, roadside billboards on highways, neon billboards, LED billboards, and multi-functional canvas canopies installed on windows.
Shenzhen All Media Communication is an advertising resource integration company, its business covers: outdoor advertising, transportation media advertising. New media advertising and other media resources. Utilize the advantages of resource integration and adhere to the lowest price to complete transactions
