Why does cba put up billboards?

本文目录一览How big is the gap between CBA and NBA?

This depends on compre hensive factors. Several factors are: number of teams, player income, player technical level, player confrontation intensity, player confrontation intensity, etc. This leads to a certain gap between the CBA League and the NBA League.

In terms of the number of teams, there are currently 30 teams in the NBA, divided into two parts. Judging from the complete list of NBA team values, the Memphis Grizzlies are weak and the New York Knicks are relatively strong. However, no team dares to despise any team. There are 20 teams in my country's CBA. Beijing Control is too weak, with a winning rate of only 17%. The regular season record was 8 wins and 38 losses.

From the perspective of player income. Many people in the NBA have astronomical numbers. Many people own private jets. The income of NBA players can be found online, but the income of our CBA players is difficult to find online. By the way, judging from the income of foreign aid, the annual income of well-known domestic companies should not exceed 4 million.

From the perspective of players’ technical level. After all, basketball originated in the West. Although our country has vigorously developed basketball, there are still many gaps. I compare the movements and scoring of Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Kevin Durant and others with the performance on the court of Yi Jianlian, Guo Ailun, Zhou Qi and others. They are better than CBA players in terms of data, level of competition, and intensity of competition (we must face up to the gap and have the courage to challenge).

Judging from the intensity of player confrontation. The stronger Yi Jianlian should be said to have played well in the CBA. He is still very good. He has jumping, height, rebounding, offensive speed, and defensive strength, but he cannot play in the NBA because he is too thin. If Yi is a thin gangster, the overall performance of the team does not need him.

From the perspective of players’ physical fitness. NBA players generally say that the back bench pre ss of 84KG meets the standard, and the forward bench pre ss is 126KG. The numbers for squats, deadlifts, and other combined strength levels are even higher. Most players in the CBA are not at the same level as other players. If you think about it, two players of the same height and weight have similar skills, but one player is at a much higher level than the other. Tell me how to hit this ball. In recent years, the Chinese team has performed well in international competitions, but its ranking is still embarrassing. Asian players generally lack strength. The direct manifestation of poor confrontation ability in the arena is that the opponent's players are forced to grab the ball at the feet of our players, and NBA players are more intense inside. Therefore, CBA players can only rely on the accuracy of the outside line. If the outside line is inaccessible, losses will be inevitable.

Now our country’s basketball industry is undergoing earth-shaking changes, and many beneficial measures have been introduced. A nine-foot platform starts from the base of the soil, and it is not a day’s work. I hope that in Under the leadership of the new Basketball Association, Chinese basketball can achieve good results in the international basketball position.

Why is the NBA picture quality so much better than CBA?

The first one is the lighting of the CBA. When we watch NBA games, we will feel like watching a movie. The scene is basically the same as a movie theater. This is due to the lighting angle of the NBA stadium. NBA The lights during the game will focus on the court, and there will not be much light in the auditorium. Therefore, one light and one dark, with clear priorities, just like a movie theater. CBA does not look so professional, and the lights will illuminate every part of the stadium. corner, so we in front of the TV will inevitably be distracted when watching the game.

Furthermore, it is the CBA arena facilities. The CBA arena facilities cannot be compared with the NBA. Although the floor is not as expensive as the NBA, at least it can be coated with a layer of wax to make the floor look smoother. , at least it doesn’t look like there are shoe prints and scratches everywhere; the basketball stand is also not that beautiful, it’s just like the basketball stand in ordinary colleges and universities, just reinforced; the last one is advertisements, advertisements can be seen everywhere in the arena , even the bench has to be isolated from the advertising board, making the bench quite deserted. There are no billboards on the bench in the NBA, so you can often see scenes of players on the bench stealing the spotlight, which is also a highlight of watching football. CBA Even this point of interest has been taken away for the sake of advertising.

In fact, it is possible for the CBA to do it now. After all, you can watch as many games as you want, because the tickets are much cheaper than those in the NBA, and the funds are limited, so it is impossible to do it. The visual effects are the same as those in the NBA, and the refereeing issues are not as eye-catching. It’s okay to watch it occasionally. I’ve had this feeling for a long time. Sometimes when I watch CBA, I haven’t seen a dunk in a long time. I always wonder, is it a CBA basket? Is the quality of the basket not good? I'm worried that the players will smash the backboard if they get too energetic. Although this is a bit exaggerated, the venues in the CBA are really incomparable to those in the NBA. The lighting feels no different from incandescent lamps. The top of the venue is like a greenhouse in a vegetable market. There is no broadcast screen above the venue, and it just doesn't look tall enough. Another is that CBA’s advertisements are too expensive. There are advertisements everywhere. There are advertisements all around the venue. There are also various advertisements on the players’ uniforms. In short, they are not simple enough. Originally, the movement speed and flexibility of CBA players are not good. Adding these factors makes it even more unpleasant. There is another very important reason. The attendance rate of CBA is too low. There is always a deserted feeling every time when playing basketball, and there are empty seats everywhere. This situation is rare in the NBA. Even for the weakest team in the Western Conference, the attendance at their home games is not low. In the Eastern Arena, not to mention many fans are sitting on the ground. For example: People hire professionals, professional venues, and professional equipment to package at all costs. This is like a person who has no art skills and has never even seen sketches, compositions, and colors. He takes random photos with his mobile phone. You can’t win an award even if you take tens of thousands of photos. , even if you have money to buy a professional SLR, it is useless, you simply cannot grasp the soul of a picture.

Rutubula was diagnosed with a bone fracture. Why was he injured?

He was injured by a billboard placed near the bottom line of the basketball court, and the placement of the billboard was related to commercial interests.

Many games now have many sponsors, and then the sponsors will place some billboards in the stadium. Sometimes players are injured because of these billboards.

What's going on?

In the CBA regular season in January 2021, during a match between the Xinjiang men's basketball team and Zhejiang Guangsha, Lu Tubula was accidentally injured and was sent to the hospital. He went to the hospital and was diagnosed with a bone fracture, which was very detrimental to the Xinjiang men's basketball game at that time, because Lutubula was the main player of the Xinjiang men's basketball team. His injury meant that the team was missing a general. Lost a lot of points.

Erlu Tubula was hit by a billboard

At that time, Lu Tubula rushed out of the outside line to catch the ball and was hit by a billboard that suddenly fell. He acted on the spot He showed a very painful expre ssion, indicating that the injury was serious. When he was sent to the hospital, he was diagnosed with a bone fracture. In a way, the billboard shouldn't be anywhere near the basketball low, and there's no buffer at all. These billboards were placed by sponsors, so they had nothing to do with this incident and must bear part of the responsibility. Although commercial interests are important, the safety of the players must also be considered. Therefore, the lack of consideration by the sponsors this time led to Rutubula being hit by a billboard.

Three, placing billboards must strictly consider the safety of players and spectators

No matter what kind of game it is, having sponsors and commercial interests is a good thing, and placing advertisements is also normal, but Safety protection measures must be taken for contestants and spectators, otherwise accidents may happen and you will regret it. Just like this incident of Lu Tubula's injury, it is the best proof. Fortunately, it only hit one person at the time. If it had injured a spectator, the situation would have been much worse and would have caused panic. To sum up, the safety of players and spectators must be considered when placing billboards, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.
