Discount billboard renderings

本文目录一览⑴How to make a billboard with PS How to make a billboard rendering with PS
The steps to make a billboard with PS are as follows:
Open PS, create a new one of 1200*500 pixels, with a resolution of 72, RGB canvas, fill the canvas with white.
Use the rectangular marquee tool, select fixed size as the style, width 99 pixels, height 99 pixels, click on the canvas and a rectangle will appear.
Create a new layer, select the appropriate foreground color, and Alt+Backspace to fill it with the foreground color.
Hold down the Alt key on the keyboard, select the rectangle and drag it to copy the rectangular blocks. A total of 12 are needed.
Drag the first and last ones to the appropriate positions, pre ss the Shift key in the layer, and select all rectangular layers.
Select top alignment and horizontal center distribution on the upper toolbar (the alignment option is only found in the selection tool, and the V key switches to the selection tool).
Select the rectangle on the right, pre ss the ← movement key on the keyboard, and move it (that is, move 1 pixel to the left), then select all the rectangle layers, and distribute them horizontally and centered again, keeping each rectangle. Just keep the intervals the same size.
The mouse is a rectangular marquee tool. Right-click the drawn rectangle - transform the selection - and hold down the Shift key to rotate it 15 degrees.

⑵How to make billboard renderings
1. First, take photos of the actual environment where the billboard will be placed.
2. Next, use Photoshop software to overlay your billboard design layer onto the environmental photo.
3. Then, make appropriate color adjustments and light masking modifications to the composite image.
4. Finally, by adding the light effects and shadow details of the scene, the balanced production of the billboard renderings is completed.

⑶、What kind of printer is used to print billboards?

Printing advertising signs is generally printed with a UV printer:

1. Using the principle of piezoelectric inkjet, Print patterns directly on the surface of advertising signs;

2. No need for plate making and film, it is a simple and convenient digital printing equipment. The following is the rendering of the printed billboard:
