I、I want to register an automobile trading company. How to fill in the business scope?
The business scope of an automobile trading company can be as follows:
1. Automobile maintenance. Small car repairs, large truck repairs.
2. Car decoration services. Car decoration materials and accessories, car modification, car beauty, car supplies, vehicle cleaning, etc.
3. Car rental.
4. Annual vehicle inspection agency service. Motor vehicle insurance agency, vehicle listing services.
5. Undertake automobile exhibitions and display activities.
6. Sales of various brands of cars. For example, Shanghai Volkswagen brand cars, Changan brand cars, Shanghai-GM-Wuling brand cars, Geely brand cars, etc. are sold.
7. Second-hand car information consultation, second-hand car transactions, and second-hand car distribution.
Things to note when determining the company's business scope:
1. When determining the company's business scope, not only the current business and operating activities must be considered, but also the business and operating activities planned or engaged in the near future.
2. Consider the actual business and operating activities of the company, as well as the surrounding businesses and operating activities related to the business and operating activities.
3. Regarding the specific description of the business scope, the industrial and commercial registration department has special standardized terms, and you cannot write it by yourself. How should the business and operating activities that the company is engaged in or plans to engage in be expre ssed in the standard terms of the industrial and commercial registration department? It is recommended that the company seek professional advice from the industrial and commercial agency it hires when registering the company or changing the company's business scope.
Extended information:
Provisions on the business scope of automobile trading companies:
According to the provisions of the "Company Law", the business scope of an enterprise has the following requirements:
1. The business scope of an enterprise is stipulated in the company's articles of association, You cannot apply for registration beyond the business scope specified in the articles of association.
2. The business scope of an enterprise must be registered in accordance with the law, that is to say, the business scope of the enterprise shall be subject to the approval of the registration authority. Enterprises shall engage in business activities within the business scope approved by the registration authority.
3. Projects within the business scope of an enterprise that are restricted by laws and administrative regulations must be approved in accordance with the law before registration.