
What should you pay attention to when designing a good corporate style LOGO? I think you can consider the following points!
1. Learn to use positive and negative shapes< br/>Using two elements to expre ss their respective meanings does not increase the difficulty of identification. This method is very clever and concise. In this way, the form becomes simpler, and it is better for people to have a high degree of differentiation, while harmonizing the two The inextricable connections between the elements are the perfect interpre tation of the minimalist logo in this technique. Opposites and blends, the most important thing is that the whole is clear!
2. Make the logo black and white first
About I believe many veterans will be very aware of this monochrome issue, but it still needs to be reminded again, because the monochrome structure is equivalent to designing the structure of a logo, and the key points to start a minimalist logo are black and reverse white monochrome Start designing, and then consider color, so that you can see whether the shape is highly refined. I will simplify this part
3. Try curves
There are a lot of ideas about logo design nowadays. Starry Sky's creativity, if you want to make your design more awesome, you can try to use curves to improve your design capabilities. A curved line, or a cluster of combined lines, can become the iconic element of this logo, and Grasping an arc is often a high reflection of a level; and the second stage is when you select an important font combination, balancing the space of the logo through lines and fonts. Streamlined lines and spiral lines are all good creative elements. This makes the logo more readable and concise. When you have some ideas, you can try to draw them by hand first and then process them. Logo design can be sold
4. Font logo
When you suspect that the icon you designed does not have many characteristics, you can simply design the letters directly from your brand name, and you may find that A logo designed with fonts can repre sent your company's image for a longer period of time, and is easier and more direct to identify. The most important thing is that the font logo is more convenient to use in different software and Internet applications.
5. Retro Simplicity
In fact, the approach to minimalist logos is not new. Instead, it combines a little retro approach to simplify it and make it tasteful. Usually, the retro minimalist logo design method is to use circles. , and then surround the font in a circle, and the method of outlining the object with relatively thin lines is more repre sentative; you can choose some retro colors to match the color, so that you have a relatively novel and simple treatment, but also retain some retro elements Taste, in Chinese terms, means "new wine in an old jar". The advantage of the retro minimalist style is that the concept can be chosen by you, and you can draw nutrients from the designs of different eras. If you are good at craftsmanship, you can also use design styles from more than a hundred years ago!
6. Geometric elements
I believe that nothing can reflect the minimalist style better than geometric elements, because the logo icon is very simple to recognize after geometric standardization and has a strong sense of order, through the combination of circles, squares, polygons, etc. , making the logo look very simple, and in the choice of geometric shapes, different pre sentations can repre sent different meanings. If you don’t understand, Dingmai can design it for you
