
⓵New fire safety regulations for high-rise civil buildings are here! These seven behaviors can be fined up to RMB 10,000

New fire safety regulations for high-rise civil buildings are here! It is related to the safety of property owners. Seven types of behavior can result in fines of up to 10,000 yuan. Take a look!

Recently, the Ministry of Emergency Management Order (No. 5) issued: The "Fire Safety Management Regulations for High-rise Civil Buildings" will be effective from August 1, 2021, clarifying that electric bicycles are prohibited in the corridors of high-rise civil buildings. etc.

Keywords: "Prohibition"

Fire safety must not be taken lightly, and prohibiting all types of unsafe behaviors is a top priority.

After sorting out, it was found that in the "Fire Safety Management Regulations for High-Rise Civil Buildings", "prohibition" has become a high-frequency keyword, appearing 20 times in the entire text.

For example:

It is prohibited to violate gas safety regulations and install, modify or dismantle gas equipment and appliances without authorization.

The use of liquefied petroleum gas in the underground parts of high-rise civil buildings is prohibited.

It is prohibited to produce, store, and operate Class A and B fire hazardous items in violation of national regulations in high-rise civil buildings.

It is prohibited to occupy cable wells, pipe wells, or pile debris in cable wells, pipe wells and other vertical pipe wells.

It is prohibited to set up obstacles on the exterior windows of high-rise civil buildings that would affect escape, fire fighting and rescue.

It is prohibited to install overhead pipelines, billboards, decorations and other obstacles that hinder the operation of fire trucks above the fire truck passages and on the elevated operating surfaces.

It is prohibited to occupy the refuge floors (rooms) and refuge walkways of high-rise civil buildings or to pile up debris, and it is prohibited to lock the entrances and exits of the refuge floors (rooms) and refuge walkways.

It is prohibited to park or charge electric bicycles in public foyers, evacuation walkways, stairwells, or safety exits of high-rise civil buildings.

"No parking of battery vehicles in corridors" has become a hot topic

After the promulgation of the "Regulations on Fire Safety Management of High-Rise Civil Buildings", parking of battery vehicles in corridors is prohibited. Become the center of attention online.

In recent years, due to irregular parking, charging and technical problems, battery car fires have occurred frequently, causing heavy losses to people's lives and property. Since the beginning of this year, several fire incidents that occurred on battery-carts upstairs have become hot topics, such as "Fire in battery-cart elevator caused five injuries," and so on.

It is prohibited to park or charge electric bicycles in public foyers, evacuation walkways, stairwells, and safety exits of high-rise civil buildings. How do residents park electric bicycles? What to do when charging?

The "Regulations on Fire Safety Management of High-rise Civil Buildings" states:

"Encourage the establishment of centralized storage and charging places for electric bicycles in high-rise residential areas. The storage and charging places for electric bicycles should be independent Set up and keep a safe distance from high-rise civil buildings; if it really needs to be set up in a high-rise civil building, it should be fire-proofed and separated from other parts of the building."

"Electric bicycle storage and charging places should be equipped with necessary facilities. Fire-fighting equipment and charging facilities should have automatic power-off functions. "

To ensure safety, there are incentives and penalties. The "Regulations on Fire Safety Management of High-rise Civil Buildings" also clarifies relevant legal responsibilities.

Seven acts, with a maximum fine of 10,000 yuan

According to the "Regulations on Fire Safety Management of High-rise Civil Buildings":

(1) Conducted in high-rise civil buildings When conducting open flame operations such as electric welding and gas welding, failure to perform fire approval procedures, make announcements, or fail to implement on-site fire protection monitoring measures;

(2) Outdoor billboards and exterior decorations installed in high-rise civil buildings hinder smoke pre vention Smoke exhaust, escape, fire fighting and rescue, or changing or destroying the fire protection structure of the building facade;

(3) Failure to set up reminder and warning signs for external wall insulation materials, or failure to repair damage or cracks in a timely manner and the external wall insulation system that has fallen off;

(4) Failure to implement the fire control room duty system in accordance with regulations, or arranging personnel who do not have the corresponding conditions to be on duty;

(V) ) Failure to establish full-time fire brigade, volunteer fire brigade and other fire protection organizations in accordance with regulations;

(6) Failure to deactivate building fire protection facilities due to maintenance or other needs, failing to make an announcement, failing to formulate emergency plans, or failing to implement pre ventive measures ;

(7) Parking or charging electric bicycles in public foyers, evacuation corridors, stairwells, or safety exits of high-rise civil buildings and refusing to make corrections.

For the above-mentioned seven acts, the fire rescue agency shall order corrections, and impose a fine of not less than 2,000 yuan but not more than 10,000 yuan on commercial units and individuals, and a fine of not less than 500 yuan but not more than 1,000 yuan on non-profit units and individuals.

In addition, other fire safety violations that violate these regulations shall be punished in accordance with the Fire Protection Law and relevant laws and regulations; if a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law. If fire rescue agencies and their staff abuse their power, neglect their duties, or practice favoritism during fire supervision and inspection of high-rise civil buildings, the directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel shall be punished in accordance with the law; if a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

Fire safety should not be taken lightly, so please take it seriously.

⓶Decorations placed on the exterior walls of high-rise civil buildings with a building height exceeding how many meters high

For decorations placed on the exterior walls of high-rise civil buildings with a building height exceeding 50 meters, billboards should be made of non-combustible materials And easy to break.

In order to strengthen the fire safety management of high-rise civil buildings, pre vent fires and reduce fire hazards, these regulations are formulated in accordance with the Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws, administrative regulations and relevant provisions of the State Council. These regulations apply to the fire safety management of high-rise civil buildings that have been completed and put into use in accordance with the law, including high-rise residential buildings and high-rise public buildings.

The fire safety management of high-rise civil buildings implements the policy of giving priority to pre vention and combining pre vention and fire, and implements a fire safety responsibility system. For high-rise buildings with a building height exceeding 100 meters, civil buildings should implement stricter fire safety management. The owners and users of high-rise civil buildings are responsible for the fire safety of high-rise civil buildings and are responsible for the fire safety of high-rise civil buildings. For owners of high-rise civil buildings whose users are units, their legal repre sentative or principal person in charge shall be the person responsible for fire safety of the unit.

Service units

Owners and users of high-rise civil buildings can entrust professional service units such as property service companies or fire protection technical service agencies to provide fire safety Serve. The specific content of fire safety services should be stipulated in the service contract. If there are two or more owners or users of the same high-rise civil building, each owner or user is responsible for the fire safety of its exclusive part and is jointly responsible for the fire safety of the shared parts.

If there are two or more owners and users of the same high-rise civil building, they should jointly entrust a property service company, or identify one owner and user as the unified manager. Implement unified management of fire safety in shared parts, coordinate and guide owners and users to jointly carry out fire safety work in the entire building, and agree in writing on the fire safety responsibilities of all parties.
