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任叔丽2024-09-24 09:13:36威海广告网百科5727
●▽●How to write the first soft article in the public account of a car rental company
In fact, whether it is WeChat or other self-media, they are all the main content. The quality of the article is the most important. No matter how good the marketing is, Without an article to support it, it is just a fantasy and a castle in the air.
As a newbie, we are under a lot of pre ssure to write original articles every day. I think a good article must have the following characteristics:
First, originality, originality. Only originality is a lasting engine. There are tens of millions of self-media on the Internet, but less than 10% is original. The importance is self-evident.
Second, the positioning must be accurate. As the saying goes: There are specialties in the field. We write articles for self-media. We cannot cover astronomy and geography, which will make readers feel scattered but not together, and lack reader stickiness. Therefore, when writing articles, identify your own advantages, be distinctive and refined, and attract a group of interested readers.
Third, the title stands out. There are tens of millions of articles on the Internet. How to attract readers’ attention at first glance and get readers to open your article starts with the title. When it comes to titles, we must keep up with hot topics and take advantage of them, such as in the name of the people.
We know the important elements of a good Fengsheng article, but how to write it into words:
First, pay attention. When we read books, watch news and watch TV, we pay more attention to the materials, and record and save them at any time. The inspiration should be recorded in time.
Two, be patient. When you first start writing an article, you may not have a single reader or recommendation, which will cause a blow to the author's confidence and loss of motivation. But we must remember that everything is difficult at the beginning. Rome was not built in a day, and we must have perseverance and patience.
Third, be sincere. You must be sincere to your readers. An article that can impre ss you is a good article. Every picture or line of text must be studied in detail and carefully considered. You must not be perfunctory and focus on quantity. Light weight.
Fourth, skill, practice makes perfect. After doing it for a long time, you will naturally know the way. For example, when writing a film review article, you can read other people’s comments on Tieba Douban, etc., summarize them together, and then it will be a good article. article.
In addition to having the four hearts of simplicity and agility, no matter which self-media we work for, we must understand the rules of the media in detail and know the scoring standards, only then can we get high scores