Electric vehicle billboard promotion

本文目录一览1、Active advertising slogans for electric vehicles, classic advertising slogans for electric vehicles
In some important festivals, electric vehicle stores will also do some promotional activities to attract customers to buy electric vehicles. When promoting, Will use classic advertising slogans to promote in place.
Activities advertising slogans for electric vehicles (excellent articles)
1. With good luck, you can travel far.
2. A happy life, accompanied by Songji.
3. Songji Electric is traveling all over the world.
4. Songji electric, easy to move.
5. Green technology leads the fashion, and Songji follows suit.
6. Being close to success starts with having Songji. Songji electric vehicles are a good brand.
7. Comfortable and easy riding.
8. As long as there is electricity, you can ride to Lhasa.
9. When traveling with high character, Songji will always be with you.
10. Run out of the green belt and your heart will fly.
11. Environmental protection star, Songji electric vehicle.
12. Speed ​​guaranteed, quality wins.
13. Riding a thousand miles, Songji was elected.
14. Quality comes from professionalism.
15. I decide my own way.
16. As quiet as a pine tree, as fast as the wind.
17. With good luck, you can travel all over the world.
18. The pine and crane are auspicious, and everything will go well.
19. Suitable for both movement and stillness, this is Songji.
 20. Songji, environmental protection leads the first journey.
21. Don’t be afraid of traffic jams, don’t be afraid of pollution, and have Songji, you won’t be afraid of anything.
Activities advertising slogans for electric vehicles (selected articles)
1. With Songji, unlimited power.
2. Songji travels far and enjoys the ride.
 3. Find Songji for healthy travel.
4. Ride comfortably and enjoy life.
5. Life is a beautiful scenery, and Songji will accompany you.
6. Riding easily will bring good luck to the world.
7. Songji will accompany you on the wonderful journey of life.
8. A journey of a thousand miles is a joy to ride.
9. Slow down, walk with the green on the road.
10. My style, my speed, Songji Electric.
11. Live a low-carbon life and be happy.
12. Go to war with the green.
13. Relaxed, fashionable, comfortable and auspicious.
14. Love life, I have Songji.
15. Songji Tram is a joy to travel.
16. Songji electric car makes traveling so easy.
17. Songji electric car, the world is so close.
18. The quality of green pine brings good luck to the world.
Activities advertising slogans for electric vehicles (short version)
1. Songji electric vehicles, travel around the world easily.
2. Low carbon on the road, full of power.
3. Let the soul travel.
4. Excellent quality, green power.
5. Riding Songji, so relaxed and satisfying!
6. Easily controlled, good luck in the world.
7. Choose Songji for environmental protection and accompany you to the end of the world.
8. Big brands are guaranteed.
9. Excellent quality, green pursuit.
10. Ride easily and have a good luck all the way.
11. Take a ride for healthy exercise, and be happy and comfortable with Songji.
12. Lasting power, impeccable.
13. Songji electric car, the world is my own.
14. Success depends on ideas, and happiness is with me.
 15. Small actions lead to a big future.
16. Easy to control, good luck in the world.

2、I want to open an electric car store, what color combination is more eye-catching for the billboard?
Are you talking about the top of the store
or the side
or the light box
Are you selling the car or repairing it?
If you are repairing a car,
white letters on a blue background
or blue letters on a white background
if you are selling a car.
It depends on which brand you are repre senting
Whether this brand has a fixed image.
Generally large manufacturers have well planned ones
If you choose
you should choose color pictures
or general ones.
Blue text on white background

3、How to weld billboards on two-wheeled electric vehicles during waste collection
1. First, set the color of the billboard to be more obvious so that pedestrians can spot the billboard at a glance.
2. Secondly, write the recycled items and locations on the recycled billboards.
3. Finally, write down the benefits of recycling items reasonably and protecting the natural environment.
