How much do advertisers charge for rural wall advertising per year?

墙体广告 · 2024-09-20 22:33:44
I、Can you make money by placing billboards in rural areas?

If you want to put billboards in rural areas and make money, then it is not a public service announcement, but a product advertisement. When you put billboards in rural areas, you have to look at you first. What does it do? If you are an advertising company, you may be able to put up billboards in rural areas. You may make money. If you are an advertising company, you will have many advertising products to promote. As an advertising product When it becomes outdated, you can replace it with other products for advertising. Since advertising companies advertise everywhere, they are everywhere, so if you are an advertising company, you can still make money by placing billboards in rural areas.

If you are not from an advertising company, you are making billboards to promote your own agricultural products or other products you sell. When it comes to advertising, it’s not a matter of making money or not, it’s a matter of promoting your own products. If the agricultural products you sell yourself or other commodities you sell are of good quality and affordable, you should You can make money from the agricultural products and other commodities you operate. From this point of view, if you make money by placing billboards in rural areas to promote the agricultural products and other commodities you operate, then you can also make money. It can be said that the billboards you put in rural areas are also profitable.

If you are an advertising company and you place billboards in rural areas, you not only need to obtain the consent of the advertising management department, but also get a license. The cost of erecting billboards is different. Due to the different management in different places, the cost of erecting billboards may be more or less. If you want to put billboards in rural areas, then you have to make great efforts to put up the billboards you need. Within the range of billboards placed in rural areas, all rural billboards will be contracted, so that your billboards can dominate the world. Only in this way can you achieve your advertising effect, only in this way can you have the benefits of billboard promotion, and you can also make money. of.

However, there is one thing I have to remind you. Even if you build billboards in rural areas, even if you negotiate with the advertising management department You have signed a contract to build billboards. However, before your advertising contract expires, an order may suddenly come down to dismantle all billboards in rural areas within a time limit. The reason for the removal of all Guangdong signboards in rural areas is not you. The advertising content violates the relevant spirit, but there are other reasons, such as safety issues. Strong winds may blow down the billboards, and personal safety accidents may occur. Therefore, if you build billboards in rural areas, These factors must also be considered when signing a contract.

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The revenue brought by rural billboards is still too little. After all, in the Internet era, the form of wall advertising is relatively simple. I think you can try the project of sharing paper towel machines for public welfare by rural credit people. Now that the sharing economy is so popular, advertisements can be placed on the fuselage, packaging, and QR codes. This form of advertising is also sure to make money.

Rural billboards mainly undertake general large-scale advertisements, such as going to the countryside, Taobao going to the countryside, and there are also many promotions for rural farming fertilizers, breeding feed, etc. It mainly depends on two points. One is whether you can accept enough paying advertisers, and the other is how many walls you can find. Advertisements in rural areas are mainly wall advertisements, which are your display space. If you can spre ad it on the same scale as cracking down on gangs and evil, you can definitely make money.

It depends on what type of billboard it is.

1. If it is a spray-painted advertisement hung on the wall, as long as the content of the advertisement complies with the provisions of the advertising law, it can definitely be hung, regardless of what the people in the village say.

2. If it is a large billboard or the like, it may involve public safety. In that case, the opinions of a third party must be considered, and large billboards like this generally require applied for.

II、Wall Advertising
I will give you a detailed explanation. If you are satisfied, you will get extra points. The cost of wall advertising is about 4 yuan, but the advertising company will invoice you and the cost of post-maintenance is basically 2 yuan. If you don't need maintenance, it can usually be done for 4.5 yuan. If the wall quantity is large, the price will be lower, and if the quantity is small, the price will naturally be higher. The area of ​​a single block cannot be less than 30 square meters. If the area is less than 30 square meters, the fee is basically 150 yuan per block. The above is all-inclusive, which includes the money you mentioned for the wall owner. So the price is 6 yuan/square meter/year all-inclusive 4 yuan/square meter for production + release without maintenance







