Can the urban management of community store billboards be removed?

本文目录一览壹、Does the urban management control the billboards placed at the entrance of the store?

Legal analysis: The urban management took away the billboards without the parties’ knowledge. If the billboards are illegally set up, then the urban management personnel will behavior is legal.

Legal basis: According to Article 11 of the "Urban City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Management Regulations": outdoor advertisements, placards, galleries, windows, etc. set up in the city must have healthy content, beautiful appearance, and Periodically repair, repaint or dismantle. The installation of large-scale outdoor advertisements must be approved by the city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative department of the city people's government and go through the approval procedures in accordance with relevant regulations.

贰、Can the Urban Management Bureau apply to the court to remove billboards?
No. According to the "Urban Management Law Enforcement Measures", the urban management bureau has the right to forcibly remove billboards without applying to the court. This is the right of the urban management bureau. Before dismantling, the relevant party should be notified to dismantle it on their own, a notice should be posted locally, and dismantling at night is not allowed.

叁、Does the urban management have the right to confiscate billboards?

Legal analysis: The urban management has the right to confiscate billboards. As long as it is within the jurisdiction of urban management law enforcement officers, billboards installed privately by individuals can be confiscated by law enforcement officers. For those who occupy roads and operate illegally within the scope of urban management's responsibilities, urban management law enforcement officers have the right to detain their illegal properties. The urban management and law enforcement departments shall properly keep the sealed and seized items and shall not use, intercept, damage or dispose of them without authorization. If the sealed or seized items are illegal, they will be transferred to the relevant departments for processing.

Legal basis: Article 29 of the "Urban Management Law Enforcement Measures of the People's Republic of China" The urban management and law enforcement authorities shall properly keep the sealed and detained items and shall not use, intercept, damage or dispose of them without authorization. If the sealed or seized items are illegal, they will be transferred to the relevant departments for processing.
