Can advertising light boxes be placed on the roadside of stores?

作者:傅伯怀 | 发布日期:2024-09-20 18:19:16

本文目录一览一、Is it illegal for me to install LED light boxes on the roadside?
There are several situations on the roadside.
1. In the business area in front of your store, that is, the legal business area, if you put LED The light box is considered legal.
2. If it exceeds the business scope area, it depends on the intensity of law enforcement done by the urban management team. If you are familiar with the urban management team or the business area is originally open, it is not illegal. But if it is in In big cities, if the street space is relatively narrow and your light box occupies the road, the city management will regard it as violating the rules. They can give you suggestions to close it or directly confiscate your auction light box if you do not listen to their opinions.

二、Self-employed people put up advertisements on the walls of their stores, but the urban management officials refused to do so, which seriously affected our business. Can we put them up?

You can post advertisements, but outdoor advertisements must be approved by the local urban management department.

Publishing the following advertisements in accordance with Article 5 of the "Outdoor Advertising Registration and Management Regulations" shall apply for outdoor advertising registration to the industrial and commercial administration authorities in accordance with these regulations and obtain an "Outdoor Advertising Registration Certificate":

(1) Advertisements published using outdoor places, spaces, and facilities and using display boards, electronic display devices, light boxes, and neon lights as carriers;

(2) Using transportation vehicles, floating objects on the water, and aerial devices , advertisements drawn, posted, and hung on the surfaces of inflatables and models;

(3) Advertisements set up inside and outside subway facilities, urban rail transit facilities, underground passages, and stations, docks, and airport terminals; Advertising wall

(4) Other forms of outdoor advertising that should be registered according to laws, regulations and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

Extended information:

According to Article 8 of the "Outdoor Advertising Registration and Management Regulations"

Outdoor advertising registration application, by the outdoor advertising After verifying the certification documents, verifying the content of the advertisement, and confirming that it meets the application registration conditions stipulated in Article 6 in accordance with the law, the publishing unit shall submit the application to the industrial and commercial administration authority at the place where the outdoor advertisement is published.

Registration applications for publishing outdoor advertisements using mobile carriers such as transportation vehicles shall be submitted by the outdoor advertising publishing unit to the industrial and commercial administration authority where the unit using transportation vehicles and other moving objects is located after fulfilling the review obligations stipulated in the pre ceding paragraph. .

Article 9 Outdoor advertising publishing units applying for outdoor advertising publishing registration shall submit the following application materials:

(1) "Outdoor Advertisement Registration Application Form" .

(2) The business license of the outdoor advertising publishing unit and the advertiser or a business qualification certificate with equivalent legal effect.

(3) Certificate of right to use the venue or facility where outdoor advertising is posted. Including property rights certificate, usage agreement, etc. of the site or facility.

(4) Outdoor advertising samples.

(5) Other documents required to be submitted by laws, regulations and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

Those who are entrusted to publish outdoor advertisements shall submit the entrustment contract for the publication of outdoor advertisements signed with the entrusting party, the entrusting party's business license or a business qualification certification document with equivalent legal effect.

If advertising forms, venues, facilities, etc. are used for outdoor advertising and require approval from relevant government departments in accordance with national or local government regulations, approval documents from the relevant departments must be submitted.

To publish advertisements that require approval according to laws, regulations and rules, relevant approval documents must be submitted.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia - Outdoor Advertising Registration and Management Regulations

三、How to use word-of-mouth to lock in customer traffic?
1. Outdoor advertising carries celebration promotion
Beautifully designed and generous outdoor advertising can attract customers and enhance the brand image of the chain store. Therefore, outdoor advertising should be placed in a prominent location at the main entrance of a shopping mall or shopping center. If you can't find a good advertising space, you can take a step back and place it at the entrance near the chain store or around it. However, compared with other promotional media, outdoor advertising costs are high and good advertising space is not easy to obtain.
2. Promotion of store guidance signs
Store guidance signs include signboards, banners, X display stands, movable light boxes, hanging flags, posters, and floor stickers.
1. The signboard must have the chain store’s LOGO, be of appropriate size, and have a good view of the signboard.
2. The font of the banner should be clear, the hanging should be neat, and the signboard should not be blocked.
3. The X display rack is mainly used to promote the main products or promotional products of the chain store. Its location cannot be placed in the main aisle to avoid disturbing customers.
4. Movable light boxes can use lighting to guide customers. Its location can be placed at the corner outside the store or at the entrance of the main passage.
5. The content of the hanging flag should be concise and the font size should not be too small. Hang neatly.
6. The content of the poster should be consistent with the products sold in the store and change with the change of the sales theme in the store.
7. Floor stickers. Since floor stickers are easy to wear and difficult to clean, they should not be posted in the store. They can be posted on the floor of the aisles and corridors.
According to the space scale of the chain store, you can choose several store guidance signs at will. For example, the common signboard + X display stand + hanging flag + floor sticker.
How to increase customer flow
1. Target the target group
2. Use special functions to attract more customers
3. Use marketing methods to convert customer flow into business flow {including: 1 , Product guidance,
This is the basic method to stimulate purchases 2. Price guidance, price is an important means to increase the purchase rate, the common method is to reduce prices, sometimes raising prices can also achieve the same effect 3. Promotion guidance , Promotion lies in creativity, the fresher the promotion, the more buyers will be attracted. 4. Shopping malls with different positioning and grades will have different customer flow and customer unit price. 5. Product promotion. The more a shopping mall's products can meet customers' needs, the more each customer will buy more.
6. Service promotion. Customers do not make purchases or the purchase amount is small, to a certain extent, because the shopping guide cannot introduce product knowledge to customers, has a cold attitude and lacks flexible coping skills. {For example: unconditional refund}
7. Environmental promotion. The environment can make a difference in improving unit price per customer in at least three aspects. First, a comfortable environment can increase the time customers stay in the store. Second, the environment itself can stimulate purchases. Third, the relevant and matching display of products will increase the number of items purchased by customers, thereby increasing the unit price. 8. Promotion promotion. Promotion is one of the effective ways to increase the unit price per customer. Its core is to reward customers who purchase more products. Another commonly used method is membership cards, which offer discounts based on the customer’s accumulated shopping amount.