The billboard in the woods on the upper right side of Horizon 4


The billboard in the woods on the upper right side of Horizon 4
1个回答 分类:广告牌 2024-09-21 04:18:26


Where is the Horizon 4 Mine Garage?

The Horizon 4 Mine Garage is in the woods next to the quarry.

The British land of Forza Horizon 4 is dotted with many hidden garages, all of which contain garage treasures that will not be sold directly at car shows. Usually those cars that have left a strong mark on automotive history are eligible to become garage treasures in the game. Putting them all into the garage has become the goal of every veteran Horizon player.

Game background:

The open world of Forza Horizon 4 is set in the United Kingdom, with a wider and more realistic map. There are more than 700 cars in this game. Forza Horizon 4 has a seasonal change system that allows players to synchronize the time of day, season, and weather in a fully shared open world.

Forza Horizon 4's lead game designer Ben Thaker-Fell said: Fortune Island will provide some rugged and harsh terrain, such as canyons and cliffs. It will also offer a long, continuous winding mountain road that BaseSail PlaygroundGames has ever produced. The new expansion will also add special weather effects such as thunder and aurora.

Game review:

Forza Horizon 4’s debut is still strong. The breathtakingly beautiful Great Britain, more abundant vehicles, and tracks that change with the seasons make this racing game almost a An invincible existence.

If you are a persistent and bohemian driver who wants to enjoy a free and unrestrained driving experience, then take this British travel guide and experience the unique charm of honey stone architecture on Broadway, and experience the unique charm of honey stone architecture at House Lake. Have a great ride along the coast.

What cars are good to use in Forza Horizon 4? S1 four-wheel drive vehicle analysis and ranking

First Echelon
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Forza Horizon 4 four-wheel drive is a commonly used vehicle in the game. Which S1 vehicle is the best? What are the characteristics of various vehicles? Let’s take a look at the analysis and ranking of Forza Horizon 4S1 four-wheel drive vehicles
The analysis and ranking of Forza Horizon 4S1 four-wheel drive vehicles
Before classifying and ranking the vehicles, we can first understand the FH4 race map. Classification for S1 level cars.
Horizon 4's road race maps can be roughly divided into three types:
1. Acceleration map
This type of map tests the vehicle's ability to accelerate out of a corner and reach the next corner. There are not many places that test the control ability. Therefore, cars with fast acceleration are more popular, such as wind farm circuit, Glenlanno Mountain sprint, etc.
2. Control map
This type of map can be divided into roughly two types.
The first category involves some relatively complex medium-to-high-speed continuous turns, which test the vehicle's overall road-holding ability (the ability to continuously maintain a high speed). Typical examples include the Bamburgh Coast Loop, the Bush Loop, the Water Dash, and the Carnival Dash. Vehicles with poor grip on medium and high-speed corners will have difficulty coping with this type of map.
The second category tests the grip and steering ability when exiting low-speed corners, such as the Carnival Loop and Ambleside Village Loop/Sprint. Some vehicles are specially adapted to this type of map and can perform beyond their level.
3. Compre hensive map
In general, all maps require certain control and certain acceleration/speed capabilities to run fast. Therefore, there is no very accurate indicator to judge whether a map is better at controlling cars or rocket cars. From personal experience, I think the three maps that test the compre hensive ability of a vehicle the most are the Lexter Forest Sprint (more for acceleration cars), the Sea Amsden Sprint and the Astmore Ring. Vehicles with different characteristics can perform fairly fairly in these three pictures.
Many players may have already used or heard of the straight-line tire modification method, so I won’t include them in the rankings here. The reason is that there are actually very few suitable straight tires and they are limited to dry road use. To put it simply, in terms of performance, rear-wheel drive straight tire GT05 four-wheel drive straight tire GT05 = vehicle with four-wheel drive straight tire NSX mud-terrain tires and racing tires. There are also some more awesome ones such as Elise99, rear-wheel drive Kontash, TZ2, Custom1932, etc., which also performed extremely well on some maps.
There is also a type of monster car (unilateral fighter) such as BacMono, Alfa Romeo 8CFE, EliseGT1, etc., which will be discussed separately at that time.
The following vehicle tunings are all composed of mud tires (mainstream) and some racing tires. Since there are few cars with strong racing tires, they will be marked when encountered. Others will default to using mud tires for tuning.
The first echelon
Start with the top Meta, which is the abbreviation of Mosteffectivetacticsavailable, which is translated as the most effective tool. This type of vehicle is suitable for any of the above map types, and is close to a hexagonal warrior (the emphasis is slightly different). On almost all maps, there are vehicles that crush low-level vehicles. We jokingly call these three cars the "Three Fantasy Gods".
Bugatti EB110SuperSport
Features: Requires manual clutch for operation. The start is relatively slow, but the speed increases linearly from the middle to the end, and the rear section is also one of the most powerful cars. In terms of control, the EB110 has excellent low-speed cornering and road-holding capabilities, as well as relatively excellent medium-speed cornering capabilities. The fly in the ointment is that the front of the car tends to swing a lot in high-speed corners, and the overall alignment will be too large (the speed is too fast), which requires strong car control capabilities. In events that pursue the rear end, such as Greendale Super Sprint and Derwent Lake Sprint, EB110 can exert its extremely strong rear end strength.
Ford GT05
Features: Different from the early high-horsepower V10 brick tuning, the most important training now is to replace the RV12 engine and achieve both control and acceleration. But the V10 brick still has its merits. Using v10 during online ranking can help you rush out of the crowd as quickly as possible. Back to the Rv12, due to the weight reduction and the addition of front and rear aerodynamics, the GT05 has unparalleled control performance. On almost all circuits and some sprint maps, GT05 can achieve the strongest results, which is also attributed to its strong mid-section acceleration ability. Generally speaking, among the three fantasy gods, GT05 is slightly better.
Honda NSX-R92
Features: It has the fastest front-end acceleration among the three fantasy gods (except for V10GT modification), and the rear end is also acceptable. There are no obvious shortcomings in the overall control, the body is deflected, and the brakes are poor, but it is relatively easy to achieve good results. NSX-R is one of the few (actually only two) JDM ranked in S1, and it is also the first choice for many people when they first start playing online customization or ranking. In terms of performance, it is also on par with the above two Phantom Gods. Summary: Just be handsome and that’s it.
