billboard removal tools

本文目录一览壹、What tools do you use to cut the PVC plastic boards for billboards neatly?
Hello, you can use a circular saw to cut it. Pay attention to choosing a saw with smaller teeth so that it can be cut neatly. I hope it is useful to you. .

贰、What quotas should be applied for the dismantling and installation of billboards?

The quota for repairing "steel component removal" should be applied when dismantling billboards.

The billboard is a signaling tool in the pull system to start the next production process or to transport the work-in-progress to downstream processes. The term means "signal" or "signal board" in Japanese.

Generally refers to all outdoor media that deliver advertising information. Media size depends on actual environment.

Extended information

The specifications of advertisements are different in each community. Neither the industrial and commercial administration nor the urban management have made regulations. The details depend on the external structure of the house.

Billboards have two functions in production operations: to instruct the production process to manufacture products, and to instruct material operators to move products. The former is called producing billboards (or manufacturing billboards), and the latter is called picking up billboards (or extracting billboards). The production billboard informs the upstream process of the product type and quantity required by the downstream process.

In the simplest case, for example, the upstream process pre pares a production billboard corresponding to "a box of parts" in advance, and places it and a box of parts in the stock supermarket at the same time. When a box of parts is picked up, the billboard is used to start production. Some signal billboards are triangular in shape, so they are also called triangular billboards.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Billboard

叁、18*18 anti-aircraft gun billboard (the columns are also steel structures). Do you need scaffolding when making it? If not, what auxiliary tools are used for welding the columns and the signboard?
Brother, what is the production process? , the foundation should be laid first to keep the interface with the steel structure. The steel structure and deck are then welded. Finally, use the high sling to assist. Then comes the fixed welding. The price of such a large tool rack is dangerous, and how many layers does it cost? That's not necessary!
