Can billboards be posted in the corridors of office buildings?

⑴What kind of billboards can be used in office buildings to be accepted by Meituan?

Acrylic billboards in office buildings can be accepted by Meituan. Office building signs should be placed at the lintel position on the ground floor of the building, and the height should not exceed 2 meters. In principle, buildings on the second floor and above are not allowed to be installed. If business units such as commercial complexes and office buildings really have needs, their commercial management companies or property companies should draw up installation plans and install them with the approval of the Municipal Urban Management Committee in accordance with the law.

Advantages of advertising

Accurately expre ss advertising information. Advertising design is a highly practical subject with a clear purpose and accurate Conveying advertising messages is the primary task of advertising design. The vast majority of product and service information is delivered through advertising. Print advertising accurately expre sses information through graphics, while two-dimensional advertising expre sses information through sound and dynamic effects. Only through the above methods can products and services be sold to consumers. Acceptance and awareness.

Establishing a brand image. The image and brand of a company determine the status of the company and its products in the minds of consumers. This status is usually maintained and shaped by the strength of the company and its advertising strategy.

To guide consumption, print advertisements can generally reach consumers directly, and the information is detailed and specific. Therefore, shopping guides, real estate advertisements, product information, etc. can guide consumers to products. Two-dimensional advertising can encourage consumers to consume through the influence of dynamic effects.

To satisfy consumers, a colorful and vivid advertising work can enhance the appeal of advertising with its extraordinary aesthetic power, allowing consumers to immerse themselves in the pleasure given by the image of goods and services. , making them consciously accept the guidance of advertising.
