Typhoon blows down shopping mall billboards

壹、 The heavy rain was blown away by the wind. How terrible is the strong convective weather?
Recently, spectacular arc-shaped cumulonimbus clouds appeared in the sky over Shanghai. A sudden heavy rain not only The city was flooded, and the large outdoor billboard "Baymax" was blown away by strong winds. The power of this severe convective weather is shocking, but how terrifying is it? We need a deeper understanding of this weather phenomenon.
First of all, Shanghai has experienced cumulonimbus weather recently. Under the influence of this cumulonimbus cloud, violent storms continued, even causing large outdoor billboards to be blown away by the wind. Cumulonimbus clouds may bring not only violent storms, but also lightning, lightning strikes, and possibly hail, so their impact is serious. Under this weather warning, people must take pre cautions.
Secondly, cumulonimbus clouds will have certain negative impacts. Heavy rain can obstruct vision and affect road traffic safety. If the rain is too heavy, it will also cause water accumulation on the road and rainwater backflow, causing many safety hazards. Strong winds will blow down billboards, branches, etc., injuring people or vehicles, and will also cause certain losses to us, so we must take pre cautions in this kind of weather.
Finally, we must pay attention to the safety of production and life. If such extreme weather occurs, we must take pre cautions in time to ensure the safety of production and life. Move valuable property to a safe place such as indoors or an underground garage in advance, and minimize outdoor activities and stays. Don't go out unless necessary. When you go out, be sure to be alert and ensure your own safety. In addition, be careful to avoid waterlogged roads to pre vent the risk of electric leakage.
Through the above analysis, we can see the power of severe convective weather and the impact it may have on our lives. Therefore, we need to be more vigilant and take pre ventive measures to ensure our own safety.
