Standards for billboards at parking lot entrances

1、What is the standard size of traffic signs?
Hello: The standard sizes of general traffic signs are as follows:
Triangular standard sizes: 700mm, 900mm, 1100mm. Square standard sizes: 600 and 600mm, 800 and 800mm, 2400 and 1200mm, 3000 and 2000mm, 3500 and 2000mm, 4000 and 2000mm, 4000 and 2200mm, 4000 and 2400mm, 5000 and 2500mm. Round standard size: 600mm, 800mm, 1000mm
Road traffic signs are graphic symbols that display traffic regulations and road information. They can expre ss traffic regulations vividly, concretely and concisely, and at the same time, they also expre ss things that are difficult to describe in words. Content, facilities used to manage traffic and indicate driving directions to ensure smooth roads and driving safety. It is applicable to highways, urban roads and all special roads. It has the nature of laws and regulations, and vehicles and pedestrians must abide by them. It can provide road information and play the role of road language. Command and control traffic to ensure traffic safety. Provide guidance and improve driving efficiency. Provide law enforcement basis for traffic management departments. Traffic signboards are part of road signboards. Since they are commonly used on roads, we will explain them here separately. Highway signs are green with white background, and tourist signs are brown with white background. They are used to guide the way. In addition to the first two types, signboards generally use white characters on a blue background, and are also called "blue signs" by peers. The specifications of blue signs are generally as follows: width * length (unit CM), whether it is an ordinary urban road or a highway , we often see digital signboards with or without circles, which limit vehicle speed. Urban roads generally have a single-digit speed limit, that is, the number on the sign is the legal upper limit of vehicle speed; highways generally have two numbers, upper and lower, indicating the upper and lower limits of vehicle speed. There are also some auxiliary types of signs, such as graphic signs for hospitals and schools in specific places, ranging signs on highways, etc. Various types of signs together form a complete road traffic sign system to regulate people's daily life.
Road traffic signs are generally composed of graphics, numbers, and text, which convey instructions clearly and accurately to pedestrians and vehicles, thereby ensuring the safety and convenience of daily travel. There are five main categories.
[Legal Basis] Article 27 of the "Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" Where railways and roads intersect at level, warning lights, warning signs or safety protection facilities shall be installed. For unguarded railway crossings, warning signs should be set up at a certain distance from the crossing.
Article 28 No unit or individual may set up, move, occupy or damage traffic lights, traffic signs and traffic markings without authorization. Trees or other plants planted on both sides of the road and on the isolation belt, billboards, pipelines, etc. installed must keep a necessary distance from traffic facilities, and must not block street lights, traffic lights, traffic signs, hinder safe sight distance, or affect traffic. .
Article 29 The planning, design, and construction of roads, parking lots, and road supporting facilities shall meet the requirements for safe and smooth road traffic, and shall be adjusted in a timely manner according to traffic needs. If the traffic management department of the public security organ finds that a road that has been put into use has a section where traffic accidents are prone to traffic accidents, or that there are serious hidden dangers to traffic safety in parking lots and road supporting facilities, it shall report it to the local people's government in a timely manner and put forward suggestions for pre venting traffic accidents and eliminating hidden dangers. , the local people's government should make a timely decision to deal with it.

2、When erecting a billboard in an underground parking lot in a Beijing community, in addition to contacting the property management company, do I also need to go to the relevant departments for approval? Thank you
As long as the property owner committee and the property management agree.
