What material is best for elevator advertisements?

1、What materials are used for elevator advertisements?
A few points to pay attention to in elevator advertisements: 1. The advertisement should be placed in a conspicuous place so that people who take the elevator can see it every time, so that every time they take the elevator Anyone can deepen their image. 2. If it is a print advertisement, the layout should not be too large, because if it is too large, people in the elevator will feel depre ssed, as if they are surrounded by advertisements, and the effect may not be good. On the contrary, the advertisement layout is not very large to attract people to see it. At the same time, print advertising best uses appropriate lighting. 3. If it is a TV commercial, the commercial video should not be too long, because in many cases if it is too long, it will often feel like it has no beginning or end. You should also pay attention to the matching of music. 4. The color of the advertisement should also be paid attention to. It should not be too colorful and should be coordinated with the color of the elevator room. 5. Before advertising is launched, it is necessary to conduct research on the advertising audience so that the advertising can be targeted.
As for the materials, one is the promotional board produced by the inkjet printing company, and the other is the acrylic board.

2、Advantages and Disadvantages of Elevator Advertising
1. Advantages of Elevator Advertising
1. Strong ability to select audience targets: Elevator advertising is mainly aimed at middle and high-level consumer groups. For mid-to-high-end products, this It is the pre cise positioning of target consumer groups.
2. High arrival rate: Due to the shared nature of the elevator, passengers will inevitably be exposed to advertisements while waiting and taking the elevator, so the arrival rate is almost 100%.
3. Long display time: Elevator advertisements can be displayed for a long time, and passengers will read them repeatedly when taking the elevator many times to increase their memory points.
4. Carrying a large amount of information: Elevator advertisements can provide more information and are suitable for conveying information such as new product launches and promotions.
5. Low media costs: Compared with other media, the cost of elevator advertising is low and suitable for advertisers with limited budgets.
2. Disadvantages of elevator advertising
1. Concentrated audience level: The audience of elevator advertising is relatively concentrated. If the product needs to target a wider audience, it may need to be used in conjunction with other media.
2. Fixed geographical location: The coverage of elevator advertising is relatively fixed. For marketing activities that require wide coverage, it may not be as effective as other mobile media.
3. The effect of elevator advertising
1. Increase awareness: Elevator advertising can effectively increase target consumers' awareness of new products or brands.
2. Shape the brand image: Through repeated advertising display, elevator advertising helps to subtly implant the corporate image into the minds of consumers.
3. Deliver promotional information: Elevator advertising can be used as an effective communication platform for promotional activities to attract consumers' purchasing interest.
4. Increase the number of exposures: Elevator advertising can increase the number of exposures of products or brands in front of target consumers, and cooperate with ground promotion activities to stimulate demand.
5. Strengthen the brand concept: Through continuous advertising display, elevator advertising helps to strengthen consumers' memory of the brand's core concept.
Reference materials:
-https://www.xslx.com/htm/jjlc/ jjzt/2006-07-03-20162.htm
